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"Happy birthday, to you~".

Of course. A yearly tradition in every person's life. Birthdays, the day to celebrate you arrival to earth, the day you get spoiled with gift and love from friends and families..times like these where you ate a huge chocolate cake, people singing to you while bringing it out. It was times like these Jeongin felt reality hit on him, that he was growing older as the days passed. Who knows how many birthdays we have yet come, who knows what birthday would be your last. We all know our first..but we won't remember the first one..we'll remember our last one, but we won't know it's our last one.

That's how Jeongin felt the whole day today. Coworkers from the nearby supermarket singing him happy birthday, Lee Jeongin written on the cake, and not Yang Jeongin. His first birthday, after escaping the cruel jail he called home. He bet that none of those coworkers, realized who he was. In their eyes they thought he was regular, simply sharing the name with the person on the news, but it didn't matter..no one suspected a thing. They didn't know he was labeled dead, to cover his run away. And his parents weren't going to know what he had in store for them neither. How he was planning on outing them, and moving far away from Seoul. Something he'd do when he finishes school, gets his dream educations, and taking all his friends with him, and of course his boyfriend. He had big dreams, and today was the day to celebrate his wishes, praying they'll become real, but we all know it's just a silly thing people makes us do to blow out candles.

Either way. He was getting tired of birthday songs, and knowing that he just arrived home to the whole group of friends he cared so much about..smiles on their faces as they held a funny looking cake in their hands, candles lit up as Chan neared the birthday boy.

"Make a wish baby" Chan smiled, holding the cake up for Jeongin to blow out the candles.

He ready knew what he wanted to wish, knowing that wishes were myths..he still couldn't help but to giggle at his wish, a smile decorating hid face.

"What did the birthday boy wish for?" Jisung approached, earning a punch on his arm.

"I can't tell idiot..otherwise it won't become real" Jeongin smiled, letting the squirrel embrace him in a tight hug.

After all, these were indeed the people that stood by his side through this rough year, so turning a new age, with a new name, with a new life and with the friends he kept in the long run..he couldn't help but to smile. Though seeing one person amongst the crowd made Jeongin jumped in pure excitement, running into the man's arms who stumbled aback by the impact.

"There you go buddy..long time no see" the man chuckled, letting Jeongin cling onto him.

"I missed you Jungso...I achieved so much..I'm so proud of myself, I'm proud of you, I'm proud of Chan, I'm proud of everyone.." Jeongin smiled through teary eyes. "I can be in peace now!" He squirmed in excitement.

"It makes me happy seeing you this happy..now, let's promise to keep contact to one another alright? How about a milkshake or an ice cream once in a while?" Jungso spoke, knowing the boy had a love for sweet things.

Jungso was such a great parental figure. Despite being his previous driver, Jeongin saw the man as something else. Yet another person that saved him, he felt so grateful to everyone in his apartment right now..he wouldn't be anywhere without them.

"Make that a deal!" He chuckled as he held out his pinky finger.

"It's a deal" his spoke, uniting their pinkies in a lock as they smiled at each other. "Uh-oh might not get bad blood with you boyfriend" Jungso chuckled, turning the boy around with a small headpat. "Ice cream it is" he smirked pushing the boy over to his proclaimed boyfriend.

Tiny chapter to break on after 4 long chapters!

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