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Upon arriving at the hospital with the ambulance, a distressed Seungmin, and a phone blowing off immediately by his friends, and possibly his family too. It was no lie, that when Seungmin first took a glance at him, that he didn't hesitate but to call the emergency guidelines. Eventually having to hurry and try and get a hold of Jeongin's parents, only to find them gone..so, he had to run back to his house before the ambulance would arrive, and notify his own parents about the situation.

Which was why they were awaiting him as soon as he was rolled into the room. Needles being pinched into his skin, releasing God knows what into his body. All he knew was that he could still see, still feel, still breathe. Yet he was dizzy and overly nauseous, a feeling he has never felt before. It was a mess, purely, a big, big mess. He regretted every singly little thing he did to himself..who has he turned into. He thought he found out what to do, but everything felt like a Rollercoaster with unpredictable turns.

"Yang Jeongin, I want you to say if you are still with us" he could hear nurses and doctors yell his name from every single directions. His ears muffled the loud noises as he stared into the blank white wall. Wondering how stupid he could be to ruin his own body like that.

Now he was going to worry about Chan..what would he think about him now? He couldn't help but to gaze down at his arms, slightly shocked and taken aback by how deep the cuts were. He felt ugly, really fucking ugly.

"He is still there" a nurse spoke after observing the boy for a whole solid minute. Waiting for the moment he moved to conclude her final statement, as she continued to pack away a big syring.

Jeongin took his time to look around the chaotic room, filled with nurses and doctors setting up machines in an instant, them coming and going in and out, with blankets, covering the curtains..and even clearing the hallway? He was confused..he still couldn't settle down for what was happening, resulting in him gazing up at Seungmin and Seungmin's parents with confusion..his brows furrowed together creating an ugly wrinkle.

"Oh poor boy..Jeongin, I'm Mrs.Kim, Seungmin's mother. We are unable to get in contact with your parents..so we are going to stay by your side till you are ready to retrieve home, alright sweetie" Seungmin's mother spoke as she crouched down beside the hospital bed, despite the chaos surrounding them, they kept calm. "I know it's not the time to question..but why Seungmin? Why did you call him and not anyone else?" Mrs.Kim interrogated, making Jeongin shake his head slowly.

"Dad got angry at me for attending dinner despite feeling sick..mom didn't want me to get punished for no reason so she yelled at him..a lot of bad words were spat at each other and to me..I got upset, and I-I..m-my emotions took over me..I called my driver first..I was too scared of mom and dad..but he didn't pick it up..so I called Seungmin..hoping he could h-help" Jeongin spoke, again completely zoned out, as he continued to stare straight ahead his head empty as he spoke..not even daring to lie..he was far to done with everything to care. "Mom and dad is disappointed in me..I don't wanna take over the company, y-yet they have been forcing it upon me since I was born..but they kept treating me different..o-once I refused to take part in their acts.." Jeongin mumbled as he clutched the blanket that was just laid on him, giving no form for comfort and rather bothering him as they poked his wounds. "I'm not a bad person..w-why am I being painted as a bad person?" He teared up. "Why can't you adults and parents, respects your fucking kids..we don't want companies and money to be happy..we want a nice family..a happy one, that doesn't care about that one meeting in the states..we just wanna be able to feel loved and cared for, not for who we act to be, but to be loved for who we really are.."w-why is it so hard to understand.."I don't want to repeat myself" Jeongin whispered, bakcing away from Seungmin's mother, not wanting to get scolded..it wasn't worth being scolded now..quite ironic right? Still bleeding out, talking about the stupid nobles and their companies. While the doctors are trying to figure out how the could somehow stitch the wounds, since they were too close to one another.

"Seungmin..is what Jeongin is stating true?" His father's turned to look at his son, who stood backed up against the wall, completely speechless and wondering how he could possibly get out of this situation.

Seungmin couldn't help but to nod his head. Looking at Jeongin with pity as he stepped towards him, patting his back and bringing him in for a hug.

"We've been friends for more than months now..we found each other problems relatable, and managed to build a friendship out of that...Mom..Dad, even though this is a bad timing, I feel like I need to explain what I want..I wanna go to college, to become a doctor, I don't want to take over you company..I can't..it is not my goal to take inheritance over the company, I'd like to stitch this stupid idiot up..with a needle and a thread, without any form of Anastacia" Seungmin chuckled with a smile, looking down at this friend with a fond smile.

"I...judging by the looks of Jeongin..honey, I don't think we can do anything but support Seungmin's goals" Mrs.Kim spoke, holding her husband's arms with a worried look. "I mean look at the boy...how much more does he needs to sacrifice to educate us on how to raise kids?..I'm sure there is a pattern with the Lee's too, their sudden disappearance? It's not excusable..Jeongin has been trying to tell us from the start, we just never listened..now look at him..giving his last try to make us change our opinions and beliefs..shouldn't we try and listen to the kids?" She spoke calmly, seeing the two boys infront of her, comforting each other.

Mr.Kim got quiet, leaving the room with a heavy sigh. Seungmin's mother smiled before leaving for the door too.

"I'll come back, I just need to talk with the angry head".

And then she disappeared, actually most of the nurses and doctors did. Leaving just two behind to look at his wounds and cuts. Deeply concentrated on what to do next.

"Yang Jeongin..I see that a problem has occurred..you aren't completely stable yet, but you are thankfully going the right way..uhm..as for your wounds, there isn't much to do..it is pretty impossible to stitch them, without ripping open some of the smaller cuts..which could potentially be dangerous, since you cut quite close to a big vein..we sadly cannot do anything else than to bandage your arms up" The doctor explained, carefully touching the tiniest space between the cuts and wounds, letting Jeongin his before pulling away his arms.

"Just hurry, so I could get out of here more quickly" he spoke with a hiss, lending back his arm to the doctor.

"I wouldn't be quote confident on that sir..the community might become overly concerned for your mental health, and consider this a suicide attempt..so..if you could be nice and answer all of our questions, it might spare you a chance of hospitalization".

Another crappy chapter..I swear it's for the books development....

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