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The whole week was spend on worrying about Felix. He wondered what could possibly be the reason behind his actions, he wasn't open about any of it. But by the words Felix spoke, Jeonging concluded it must been some kind of jealousy. Jeongin thought Felix lacked people to rely on pretty much his whole life. He remembered the tempered boy stating that him and Minho never was close, that they lived complete opposite lives..yet he still helped out his brother? Putted himself at risk for his brother..despite the lack of communication? Jeongin didn't know if he should be surprised or completely concerned. But one thing he knew for a fact was that himself, Felix, and Minho probably needed more help than they accepted.

He knew the fear that came with opening up, and especially to a professional..the thought itself made his blood run cold. He had figu4ed long ago, that the new apartment would be great therapy for him, a knew chapter of his life. He had that opportunity. But Minho and Felix didn't have that. They already lived in 3 different houses this year, their families, Chan's, and Jisung's. They couldn't stay still one moment, not until they got their feelings and emotions under control. And assuming that Minho is probably thinking about staying by Jisung's side. Cuts it down to only Felix.

Of course Jeongin would welcome the boy into his home if necessary..and when he officially moves, which was laying exactly 2 weeks from now. But he wouldn't just let someone stay without certain boundaries, he knew it couldn't be a rule less house..Like cleaning and stuff would be an necessity now, since he didn't have maids wandering around and doing chores for him anymore. Cooking shall be done by himself, laundry too..everything has to be on his own, so if he had to have someone live here..they had to atleast help too.

Now you may wonder why he is thinking about this?

Well he was considering to let Felix stay at his new place with him..under certain conditions. Like psychology help, job, own food and half pay of the rent. He wanted Felix to be stable, and of course being allowed to sleep in a guest room in a rundown apartment building in devil town, wouldn't do wonders for his mental health..and since he did mention not being the closest to his brother..it could be that giving the boys the individual privacy they needed, could and should be important.

So with his mind all messy and distressed from the various thoughts and research..he decided to turn of his laptop, quitting the research for today as he stood up from his bed. He wanted to atleast memorize a few things before he'd leave. This is usually the saddest part, probably because he was used to just be in here. But, he had to eventually cry it out over it, or else it'll follow him to his new apartment, and that was the least he wanted.

So, he went around and looked at the family pictures, that he has yet to pack. Since he simply couldn't decide whether he should keep them or throw them out. It wasn't because of his parents on the picture..no, it was because of his own picture. But he already had enough of those, that his mother gave him..so coming to a final conclusion, he eventually threw them all away, which did not include his singular school photos. He also decided that tidying the room up again, would somehow bring up his depressive mood..but he didn't feel like doing that now, and he allowed himself to be able to rest.

There was a lot of things he didn't want to forget. Of course there was happy moments, but they were all blurred out by the many hurtful moments, that he'd much rather not remember.

A knock could be heard from his door, interrupting the peaceful moment he had, just letting out his emotions. He wasn't exactly crying, but he did feel the quite amount of pain hid heart whenever he thought about all the nice memories. Like how Jisung once slipped when climbing up to his window, so he got the careless boy a rope for support..which we all know what has been used for.

"Come in" he spoke after a moment of silence and anticipation..he wasn't expecting anyone since his parents were at work, but all thoughts aside, it could've have been a maid.

"Oh my little Jeonginnie!" The sweet old..almost disgusting voice of his grandmother could be heard. He turned around ti face the door in an instant, seeing her approach with a smile yet worried look.

Oh right..he was supposed to be sick today.

He put on a weak smile as he pretended to sniff, as if he had caught a cold. He remembered told by his mother to act sick infront of everyone..so he didn't really want to disobey now that he had come so far with his plan..so he simply scurried towards his bed to lay back down, hiding the back of chips under his blanket.

"Hi granny" he mumbled with a weak smile, looking at his grandmother with what seemed like innocent and tired eyes..but was eyes filled with hatred.

"I heard by grandson wasn't feeling well..so I came all the way from Busan to visit you..now don't tell your parents, but I believe the best way to cure sickness is by lots of love..so I baked some healthy tea biscuits! Now i know your mom doesn't like you to have gluten, but a bit doesn't hurt" she smiled, pulling out 2 tea biscuits that had a weird colour and looked pretty much..dry.

"Thanks granny..but, I haven't had any appetite for some time now..I have been throwing up a lot, so I hope you don't mind me not eating more food" he lied with an apologetic tone, leaning against the headboard as he avoided her sudden dark gaze.

"Oh..okay. how long have you've been sick honey?..you've been pretty much gone this past month, you even avoided me at your father's birthday" she spoke slightly disappointed, as she sat by the edge of his bed.

So much was happening. He went from stressing about Felix, to remembering past memories. And now suddenly out of the fucking blue, the old lady he calls his grandmother, showed up.

"It's been going down. But Mama is booking a doctor's appointment soon if I don't get better" he once again lied. Wanting the old pest of a woman to leave his room and never come back.

"I'm so sorry sweetie..now don't die before I do" she laughed bitterly, making Jeongin roll his eyes mentally.

"I won't Ma".

Late update..I haven't been feeling too well.

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