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The whole evening his grandmother has been keeping an eye on him. Talking nonstop, and asking so many questions, that Jeongin swore that his brain would malfunction. But luckily to him, she fortunately left. But of course only because two people showed up, his father and mother sat by the dining table. His father looking over at him multiple times with dark glares and shaking his head. Jeongin got anxious if he knew something, or if he was suspecting something..but what came out of his mouth, just made the smaller boy punch the guts out of his father.

"I don't understand. Why is he sitting here, eating dinner with us when he is sick?!" He exclaimed with anger shown in his voice. Jeongin was confused as of what the problem with that was. His father never cared about that, so why now? Did he really have that much hatred for his own son? What a pathetic jerk.

Jeongin just gazed down at the table, to not respond to the harsh words that was just thrown at him. He didn't want to react since it was a part of the deal he made with his mother. But he was still furious, wanting to take out his anger..but he kept it to himself, filling up the already overflowing bottle inside of him.

"Honey..he is sick, not with a contagious disease. He hasn't been feeling well for weeks now, I believe it's best to get him checked-" his mother tried to explain.

He knew his mother wanted to paint him sick. To have an excuse to give out to the media, and to the family. Heck the whole fucking world. But he couldn't care less. As long as he gets out of this household, then that is what is important..even if he had to endure the abuse for a bit longer.

"No! Ain't no way I'm letting that pathetic little boy sit at my table, eating away food when he have held such a bad attitude for so long and is suddenly turning quiet on us! He needs no doctor. He needs discipline! A fucking lecture!" His father yelled abruptly, standing up as stomped towards the helpless boy.

Alarms were ringing off in his head. He couldn't believe it. Even if stayed quiet and behaved, he was being punished..for what reason? He thought he was done with this..but why he gotta be used as a punching bag? Because of him slipping up?

He looked at his mother with terrified eyes, looking at how she mouthed 'stay put' under her breath. They all knew what was going to happen, and Jeongin wanted to keep the punishment as minimal as possible to prevent further damage.

"You, you little pathetic child of ours..you are a shame to this family, thinking you can do whatever and say whatever you want?! You are so stupid, should I really lock you away from reality, to discipline you?! When did my son turn this ugly and pathetic..you were perfect months ago. Doing your studies, staying healthy, and kept your awful words to yourself! Look at yourself! Do you think you are worthy of anything?!" His father yelled as he pushed the boy of the chair. Fear towering the boy's face, as he backed away slowly and helplessly.

He felt vulnerable. Like a prey being chased by a predator. That predator is his own father, stomping his way angrily towards him. It scared him, he didn't know what to do. He didn't have control, he was going to get hurt. He didn't want to get hurt.

Was this how Felix felt, vulnerable to everyone? Lack of control, so he yells and blame everyone for a sense of control? He honestly feels like a fool to be thinking about someone else in this situation..he didn't even know what was about to come. But it was useless to run away, and he couldn't breathe. What did he do wrong?

"Honey, stop! I told him specifically to come down for dinner because he hasn't been eating a tiny bit of food for days on end. He has been sick and dizzy, sleepless and tired for the past weeks..let the boy be! You are ruining a perfect image of our son!" She yelled, spitting out white lies in order to protect the boy.

But he wondered why? She could watch him being teared apart. But he stood up. He knew his mother had a nice heart somewhere, despite not wanting him. But it wasn't going to be a lie, that she wanted to get rid of him too. She didn't want the responsibility, but it was nice enough having someone by his side..right?

"Shut the fuck up. You don't have a say in this, I married you for the sake of this company, and to get a child to be the next CEO! You are nothing but a person to support my goals. You are tied to this family forever. That's what the contract says! So if I want to treat my son, the way I want too, then I'll do just that! You didn't even want him..so go away while I take care of this little bitch" he yelled, grabbing Jeongin's hair harshly as he proceeded to throw him on the floor.

"He is going to tell everyone for fuck sake! If you continue that, then we are done for. This family is done for..heck this neighborhood and company is done for! I don't care if I want him or not. But he is our future, he is much more in control than you believe! He can tell everyone at a blink of an eye with the help of everyone but us! We don't know who he knows! He could know the town and tell them, without us knowing! So treat him with some respect!" She yelled, overpowering his father's loud echoes of yells. The whole house was chaos.

And while the two, he called parents were fighting..he made an escape to his bedroom, slamming the door shut as he locked it..blocking it with every item that was movable, to prevent anyone from entering.

As he stood back, sweat covering his body with frantic pants. He looked to the table filled with his medals from his accomplishments in school, his family portraits. He felt angry, and in barely any seconds later. Everything was broken and crushed to the ground. Glass poking at his feet but he couldn't stop stomping on the sharp glass. He needed to get it all out, with screams and yelps.

And the pain of being completely unwanted and useless to everyone.

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