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The tiny warmth of the apartment engulfed the three males walking in through the door. The warmth surprising Jeongin a bit since I was usually quite cold and dark in Chan's apartment.

Seems like someone paid their electricity bills.

"I'm glad you came baby" Chan smiled, his arms open as he embraced the younger into his warm, broad body. Letting the younger rest his head against Chan's chest, listening to his heart for comfort.

He couldn't lie about loving Chan. The way that he held him oh so Clos, made him feel special and happy inside out. The way his smooth voice kept lingering in his mind, following with every, single, breath, that he took.

He needed this a lot. They weren't separated from that long, but Jeongin knew that they both were dying to meet one another again, whether if it was sooner or later. And now here he stood, finally in his arms again, after a bunch of hectic days. He finally had someone to lend out a shoulder for him to cry on again.

"I missed you...I'm so sorry I didn't come to meet you, my parents are-" he spoke but his sentence got caught off with a soft, brief kiss on his naked lips.

"It's okay, atleast you are now in my arms darling.." Chan smiled, unwrapping the younger from his Sai arms before letting the boy view fully into the apartment.

There he spotted not only Seungmin, Jisung and Jeongin talking together. But Felix, and who he assumed was Minho.

The Lee's.

Jeongin couldn't help but to feel happy about their freedom. He hoped I lasted for the rest of their lives, they did not deserve any form of disturbance. They went through enough, and all they needed, was pure comfort and quiet, and a now warm apartment to stay at.

"I'm glad my apartment is quite big..or else they wouldn't have gotten any rooms for themselves" Chan smiled, and arm around the younger's shoulder as he spoke into hid ear.

His apartment was big, but not luxurious in any form of way. It had creaking wooden floors, rundown wallpapers. But atleast he got 3 bedroom, a balcony, a laundry room, a small kitchen and 2 bathrooms..though kne being generously smaller than the other.

So it wasn't a bad apartment, it was spacious and nice. But he was sure if Chan didn't own that shop of his, he wouldn't be having the money to pay the rent. Though again, the rent was bad at all. Which was far more obvious knowing that he lived in the heart of devil town.

Enough talk about apartments and its rent. Jeongin couldn't help but smile once Felix came to greet him with a tight hug, mumbled the word 'thank you' multiple times.

The way he cried on his shoulder, and hugging the Las bit of life out of him, as a thank you. Made Jeongin realize how good it felt helping people. Maybe that should be his future goal, to help the ones in need? He didn't know, he didn't want to make plans. He just wanted to enjoy the feeling of Felix's hugs, and thank yous. Knowing that if he never begged any of his friends nor Chan to help them out..they wouldn't be here. And that Minho could have possibly gone into a more critical condition.

"Minho is still weak. But Chan I letting him eat up all the food he wants too..I'm so happy we got out of that house..but I gotta admit..I'm so fucking scared of what couldn't possibly happen in the future..but I owe you one, I really do" Felix smiled through his relieved tears, his hands shaking like they've never done before.

But he was happy.

"You don't owe me anything other than trust and friendship..I did this cause genuinely cared about your feelings and emotions..now don't thank me to much, it'll make me cry" Jeongin smiled, pulling himself away from the other's arms, and leaning back into Chan's.

Did he really just accept a bunch of compliments without melting into complete sweat? He did.

Was he proud of that? Kind of.

He had a long way to go himself..he still needed improvements, but he was happy right now..in thus apartment..he was free to love who he was.

Was Seungmin right? Should they make a run for it too?

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