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"Jeongin.." a soft voice followed by a knock on the door could be heard throughout the dimmed room. The mentioned boy sat on his bed, deeply focused on the computer infront of his eyes. Bit unlike any other teenager, he wasn't gaming or watching YouTube. No, he was researching about police investigations revolving runaways, taking note as of what to do and what not to do..you know, in case his mother decides to be a bitch out of no where.

When the boy finished reading the document fully, he looked up from the laptop, spotting his mother with a faint smile on her face as she closed the door. A big cardboard box in her hands as she stepped further into the room.

"Your dad is at work today..I uhm..found this in the attic..I was searching for a flashlight, but uhm, I stumbled upon this" his mother spoke, gesturing the box towards the boy who had a frown on his face as he placed the laptop, away from him..and accepted the, quite frankly, heavy box into his hands.

He looked up at his mother with a small, confused glint in his eyes. Was he supposed to open the box? He wondered what could be hiding inside of it. Due to the quite heavy weight it held.

"You can open it" She spoke, tapping the box gently.

Jeongin just nodded as he opened up the box, staring down at many black folders that could contain everything from a small note, to a whole elephant. So he took out the first folder he saw, looking at the date of that written in bold letters on the box.

"The 8th of February, 2001" he mumbled, recognizing the date to be his own birthday. He couldn't help but to smile softly. He didn't know they kept such things around. Especially judging by the fact that his parents never had pictures of him anywhere like a normal parent would have.

His hands reached to open the folder in anticipation, slowly and carefully tracing the sheet of paper inside of it. There was all sorts of informations about him, health wise, from when he was born. How much he weighted, his blood type, parents, birthday and time. It was his birth certificate. He looked back up at his mother in confusion, eyes wide as she smiled back at him.

"I figured..that it would be an important piece of element to have, once you leave...you are also an adult soon..so it is pretty important to have such things lying around just for the actual sake of it..You'd might need it in the future" his mother spoke, picking out another folder from the box.

"Yang Jeongin" was written with big bold white letters on it. His eyes trailing over the simple design, which was so satisfying to look at.

He opened it up, finding an extra social security card inside..and an extra passport. A black credit card also stuck to the bottom left corner of the paper. He raised his head in confusion of the sudden appearance of a credit card, taking in the matte design of  it.

"This was well, supposed to be given to you on your 18th birthday, but me and your father has forgotten about for a long time. It's a luxurious card only highly wealthy people have access too, like nobles and CEOs, even pop stars and the president. There is an unlimited amount of money on it, that get transfered into it every week. You can keep of you want, it's your name on it, not mine" She spoke, and continued to point at the ID cards. "Those are just important stuff like you birth certificate. Those are mandatory to keep" she explained, before letting the folder lay on the bed.

She continued pulling out a slightly bigger and heavy folder, sighing heavily while doing so.

"It would be a lie to say that even if I never wanted you, that I didn't at some times adore you..when I started therapy about unwanted child birth, my therapist told me to come in peace with myself and my child, I was told that taking pictures of the moments I feel something other than negative emotions around you..could help me cope better" She explained, handing the big folder to Jeongin with a soft smile.

He opened it immediately to see various of pictures of him, when he was bathing, playing, watching a movie, eating..and many when he was asleep. They were mainly funny and adorable, which made him remember some few moments from his childhood that wasn't constant scolding and lecturing.

"I took this one, because I felt so surprised to come home to you, suddenly covered in flour and claiming to be baking in the bathroom" she smiled as she pointed a picture out of him, who stood in the door way of a bathroom somewhere in this house, covered in baking flour.

He couldn't help but smile..and wonder where all those years went, he felt like he missed so much opportunity in life, he used to have bright soul despite everything that went bad..but when he broke his own innocence down he realized that happiness doesn't come for free. And he fell down deeper than ever before..he have never felt worse before than he does now, and he would bet that whole black cards worth on how nothing would have changed if he never got himself involved with the people he now love till this day.

He didn't regret it though. He was grateful..but he wasn't blinded by the truth, he knew it inside out, in every detail possibly.

"Why..did you bring these stuff now?" He asked confused, looking at the folders on his bed confused.

"The maids will be cleaning out the attic. I couldn't have then scrap this stuff even though we nowadays have digital stuff to secure these stuff, I still find the old school way more functional. And uhm..I think, leaving with those baby pictures would be great too..since uhm..it's not that I don't want them, I just don't know what to do with them. You deserve them, it is pictures of you and how you grew up over the years.." she explained, closing the now empty box shut with sigh. "Listen Jeongin..I don't want to forget about you once you leave..I'd like to stay in touch, yes I never wanted a child and I never managed to find a way to love you the way I saw and pursued love..but something inside me wants too know if your safe, I might just be panicking..but-".

"Mom, I'm really grateful for these stuff really I am..and I will keep them by me, don't worry..but I don't know if I'd like to keep contact..I will be just find with Chan, and Jisung.." he spoke, knowing that it also half heartedly broke him a bit too..but he couldn't need any form of contact to this family after he'd leave. He wouldn't be able to take it. Do leaving it behind, was in his opinion, the best way to start.

"I know..and that's fine, I respect it...I got one last thing for you though" She spoke, standing up and standing infront  of Jeongin.

He watched with expectant eyes aa his mother pulled out a small box, handing it to him as he stares at his mother in surprise.

"With that card you could've have bought it yourself..but I noticed your phone was slowly dying. It's the least I could do for you..if you make sure to find a nice house or apartment to live in, I'll make sure not to tell your father about anything..okay?" She spoke, holding her son by his shoulders with a serious facial expression.

Jeongin just held the box tightly to his chest and nodded his head..looking slightly terrified up at his mother who just smiled at him, leaving the room seconds later.

He sighed heavily and turned around to gaze at the stuff in his bed with a small smile.

"I have to sort this out now..great".

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