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"I'm glad you finally came to your sense my son..eating dinner with us after 3 whole months" his father spoke, shaking his head at his own words, finding them funny.

Jeongin didn't know if it was a compliment or the complete opposite of what a compliment should be. All he knew was that he badly just wanted to punch his father, but he held himself back from the urges that pulled him closer and closer to the edge. He needed to hold the deal, to be a perfect son, just like what he promised his mother. No talking back, no yelling and no arguing. Nothing to cause trouble in general.

Was he happy with that?..no, not at all..how could he be. His father is an asshole, his mother might not be trustworthy enough..but he still took his father's aging words, and pushed them away from his head..he still trusted his mother to keep just one big secret..or well maybe just a few.

"I see you haven't gotten yourself completely together..judging by the lack of communication" his father chuckle, making his mother smile..but it was for the very first time he could see his mother's smile wasn't genuine, was it ever genuine? "You have to get over that before you turn 18..after then you'd have to prepare to become CEO".

Jeongin looked down. Not be able to understand how they could make someone so young a CEO of a multi-million company. It wasn't fair and it wasn't the life for him. He just wanted to be himself, to live his own life. He wanted an education to be able to get a proper, normal job..not to be stuck in a house and a family where he doesn't have control over who he is.

Despite the boiling rage inside of him, and the clenched fist underneath the table. He kept himself from responding. He didn't know if he should be happy that he found out the truth about this family, or sad that he lost so many precious years of being stuck and manipulated by the people he once trusted. The abuse had no justifying excuse, no forgiveness no forgetting, he would remember them..those people that claimed to be family, those people that ended him. He wasn't backing down without a fight. He just wanted escape.

"Honey, it's his first time out in months. Let's not bombard his head with questions" his mother spoke, saving the situation from evolving into chaos. Jeongin still didn't react. Actually he simply pushed away the plate, that is still filled with food, and rose from his seat. All in a calm and gentle manner.

The eyes of his parents quickly glared at him as he stood up, prepared to leave the table without even a single bite of anything.

He didn't want their food, he didn't want their love..he wanted them gone. He just needed a moment to calm himself down. Simply for the sake of not lashing out, for the sake of behaving and keeping that precious deal.

No misbehavior.

"If you can excuse me..I'll be in my room" he spoke with clenched teeth, as he turned away from the table, muttering not a single word more. Before his body disappeared from his parents vision.

Sorry for the wait♡.

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