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Two days passed since Jeongin last saw Jisung and Seungmib outside school. Chan came occasionally, pretty much each day to be exact and chilled with the boy in his bed after school. It was a usual chit chat..or flirting as Jisung would describe it to him.

But nonetheless, Jeongin didn't quite care. As long as his parent knew nothing, he was fine being sort of close to a man, usually quite out of a normal friend zone. He couldn't help but to fall for Chan's charming personality, but he wasn't going to expose his feelings for him..atleast no quite yet.

He wanted to wait..to see if these feelings would continue to stay, or if they would dissappear sooner or later.

"Yes mom I'm doing just fine" Jeongin spoke, his voice careful and laced with sweetness as he talked to his mom.

His phone was on speaker, as Chan and Jungso waited quietly for the boy to finish his conversation with his parents. Jungso had came with the phone in his hands, while Chan and Jisung was playing UNO, resulting in them going immediately quiet at the announcement of a phone call.

So now he sat, purely frighten to talk to his parents.

"Did you study honey? The exams are coming up in the end of the year..you should focus on them" His father's dominant voice could be heard.

God the things he had done while they were away, and they were right on the other side of the phone..having zero idea about his tattoo, his new friends, his old friend. Him sneaking out in general, and sneaking people in. Eating fast food, cakes and drinking sweet stuff. Him going to devil town.

They had no idea.

"I am..trying atleast, I wasn't at school the other day.." Jeongin spoke, ready to get scolded.

"Jeongin, you have to take your studies serious!" His mother penetrating sharp voice, spoke. Making him visibly gulp.

Chan brought the younger into his arms, trying to soothe his mind.

'Lie' was what Chan mumbled to Jeongin, who nodded shortly as he breathed into the phone.

"I know, I was studying the whole day for things I missed out on..I had a bad migraine..but it was only that day, I hate not going to school" Jeongin pouted, not visible to anyone else, other than the two men in his room.

What Jeongin actually meant behind the lie. Was that he spend the day cuddling with Chan and conversing with his friends, that his parents knew nothing about.

"Drink lots of water alright? I know school can be hard..but you can't get you attendance down" His mother spoke, stern yet a disappointed tone, as she spoke something the his father. "We have to go honey, remember school..don't skip even if your sick, you need attendance and grades up as high as possible".

That was the last thing he heard before the call was cut. Looking at the phone with a sad expression, Jungso sighed, looking at the boy with pity.

"Thank you" Jeongin mumbled, handing back Jungso's working phone, as he relaxed against Chan. Hoping that Jungso wouldn't comment on how close they were.

"I'm sorry Jeongin, if I could just drive you away from this nightmare..I would" Jungso spoke, noticing the uneasy feeling inside of Jeongin.

"Thanks..I could need that" Jeongin spoke, looking at Chan who looked down at him, rubbing his bare tummy gently.

Jungso left the two alone. Leaving them to be in their own little world as he drove away from the house.

Jeongin felt appreciative to everyone who knew his secrets..he wanted to swarm them all in hugs, really, really tight hugs. But that would definitely kill them.

"You're doing great baby..just fine" Chan whispered beneath his breath, hugging the younger.

He could get used to this.

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