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The whole time they spend together, was them just cuddling, to reload their energy. Chan was watching the younger sleep beneath him, his heavier body covering him like a blanket..he smiled as he really couldn't believe he had the younger almost completely now. He just wanted him for himself, to claim him as his.

Something about the younger was far more different from the rest of the people that he first spotted at the place. How Jeongin was so anxious, yet still rebelling, his big mind for running around to explore and have fun. He still didn't see Jeongin as a sinner, or a person completely stripped from purity. But he knew it meant something else for the younger. But he would make a deal with the devil just to prove that Jeongin was not a sinner, and to prove that Jeongin was still the same. Even though he was tied up and desperately moaning for him.

Jeongin was so outstanding. His smiles that lit up a room, his soft, fragile structure that you just wanted to break badly. Jeongin was the perfect piece for Chan, and Chan made sure that only he could have a taste of it.

"So beautiful.." he mumbled, shaking the younger so that he would wake up.

"5 more minutes" Jeongin spoked in a whiny tone, squirming around which made Chan grab onto him immediately.

He was in fact still inside of him. And he could no afford to get hard again..atleast not yet.

"I'm sorry innie, but we need to shower too and get dressed..you know we can't stay like this forever baby" Chan kissed Jeongin as he spoke. Waking the younger boy up softly.

He decided to slip out of the younger, carefully sliding out as he sighed softly. He pulled the condom off, tying a knot before throwing it in the trash can beside his bed. Before returning back to the younger, picking him up a bridal style before heading to the bathroom.

The bathroom was for from fancy, like Jeongin is probably used too. So he felt a bit embarrassed about the dirty laundry, and dirty dish stand beside the toilet. But he ignored it, and started turning on the shower. Having to wait briefly before the water turned to the warmest temperature setting they had here in devil town. The younger still clung to Chan, far more awake now than before. But he refused to stand.

"You're so precious" Chan chuckled making sure Jeongin was soaked wet before helping him shower.

Once they both finished showering, they both got dressed, looking at the time to see they had roughly ten minutes left, before Jungso would arrive.

"Can you walk?" Chan asked Jeongin who pouted as Chan sat him down.

He did feel pain down there. But he managed to walk without any trouble, though he legs shook a bit.

"Alright..you look like a baby taking his first steps" Chan laughed, getting hit by the younger on his chest.

"Chan don't tease me! You were the one being aggressive" Jeongin pouted, looking at his wrists.

Luckily his sweater could cover it over. But he couldn't help the habit of rolling up his sleeves.

"Theh are quite prominent..but hey, atleast I got to see your tattoo healed!" Chan smiled, turning the younger around, back hugging him.

"I honestly forgot I had it..I should be careful" Jeongin giggled, letting Chan have his moment hugging him..for the last 5 minutes, tell Jungso would arrive.

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