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But waking up wasn't painless. No, it hurt much more. But he had a bed, but not the most comfortable one. His eyes was clenched closed as he couldn't take the sharpness of the lights from above, his headache throbbing like crazy.

He could feel the mattress, a spongy mattress, a hard pillow, and a very thin yet big blanket. He could feel his injured leg laying higher up that the other, the bandage around his head, tightly secured. He opened his eyes, looking into the empty white room. He teared up.

Where was everyone?

Where did they go?

Did they leave?

If so, then why?

He wanted his friends..his people, to hug him, to embrace him..he wanted them back close to him. Where did they all go?

Why was he panicking? Maybe they went for food, water, or talking with a nurse? He didn't know..

"Jeongin?" He heard a door opened followed by a soft recognizable voice. His head shifted towards the person. Starting to cry as soon as the person entered the room. "Hey, it's okay..I'm here..Jungso is with his wife, Seungmin couldn't go..I was called, are you okay baby?".

"Channie.." he opened his arms, wanting the man near. Chan could only smile, looking at Jeongin before engulfing him in a big warm hug.

He could sense the younger's pain, the sadness, the betrayal and regret. He wanted to just pull him out of the bed and give him a bone cracking hug..if it wasn't from his already broken bones.

"I know your going to hate this..but..." Chan trailed off, looking at Jeongin with eyes filled with sadness. "Your parents know that you are here. Jungso convinced them to pay for your hospital bills, and threatened that he would tell the media if he got fired..but they don't know about me being here, and they won't. Cause they don't wanna visit you" Chan spoke with an apologetic voice, seeing Jeongin tear up again.

"I'm so sorry-".

"It's not your fault. It's theirs, I can't just play with you recklessly anymore Innie! I miss being able to throw you up in the air, and twirl you around like a princess" Chan chuckled, trying to stay positive.

Jeongin felt relieved. He didn't want his parents to know about Chan. That would be horrible. Actually, he didn't even wanna be in this hospital right now, that was horrible too. But he didn't wanna go home neither.

"I don't wanna stay here" Jeongin whispered beneath his breath, looking Chan with worries eyes.

"I know, but do you really wanna be home right now? After all that chaos-".

"I never said I wanted to go home neither. But I have to sooner or later. That's just how it is" Jeongin said with tears still decoration his cheeks.

But Chan.

Oh that romantic little shit.

He couldn't help, but to kiss those tears away. Making Jeongin's heart melt as his cheeks grew rosy.

"I think I'm addicted to you, you make me feel so happy" Jeongin laughed out, looking at the older in his eyes.

"I can't make my one and only addicted to me? Is that a crime? Am I going to be arrested now?" Chan joked back, holding the younger's hands softly.

"Nah..but we honestly look an old married couple saying their last goodbye".

Chan smiled brightly, standing up fully again as he let go of Jeongin's hands. Making the younger turn to him confused as he watched the older kick of his shoes.

"What are you-" Jeongin was shut off by Chan's fingers against his lips, a chuckle escaping his own.

He slowly crept up behind Jeongin's body, lifting the boy up slightly so he sat on top of his thighs, back resting against him. As Chan wrapped his arms around Jeongin's waist, laying comfortably in the hospital bed together.

"This is much better" Jeongin hummed softly, taking in the soft smell of Chan's cologne.

"Mhm, just you and me" Chan smiled, resting himself against the bed comfortably.

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