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The next morning Jeongin woke up in a pair of warm arms..a soft pink color tinted his cheeks as he remembered yesterday's event. He couldn't believe he really had a breakdown over something as stupid as his parents..but it seemed as if there were much more underlying feelings beneath his heart, ghan he had originally thought there would ever be.

"Goodmorning innie" Chan's deep and rapsy morning voice spoke out, catching the attention of the younger male that laid in the his arms.

"Morning..." Jeongin let out as he turned around in his bed, looking at the small digital clock, illuminating a soft blue light, as the numbers stood present on the screen.

9:56 AM.

Fuck..he was supposed to be at school for more than an hour ago, he sat up in an instant..causing Chan to worry a bit. He sat up himself and looked at Jeongin with worry.

"You good?" He asked slightly confused, watching the boy as he got up standing in panic.

"No, I'm supposed to be at school now..I- my parents would be fuming when they find out I skipped school..let alone all of this...Chan they are going to kill me" Jeongin worried, looking around in panic, he didn't know what to do.

He had no school uniform here, he had no one other than Chan to possibly drive him, he couldn't just call Jungso to devil town..and worst of all, he didn't want his secret to be revealed to his parents..no that shouldn't happen.

He felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his body, causing a calm feeling to spread across his body..but he was still worried.

"Chan I don't have time to hug, I need to get my school supplie-".

"Hey relax..it's Saturday..no school, no driver and your parents are away right? Calm down" he spoke, reminding the younger of the date as he felt like collapsing in relief in Chan's arms.

Maybe he was a bit to caught up with his parents in his brain?

"I'm sorry..I'm just so used to them knowing each and every steps that I take, what I do online, and how I act in school..I'm fucking terrified of that" Jeongin spoke in worry, nothing but wordy filled his brain..

"I understand, but you need to get them out of your head..how about we'll go find a place to eat breakfast? Then we'll drive to my shop, and you can watch as i tattoo people?" Chan spoke, pulling a bit away from the younger as he searched through his closet.

Eventually Chan found a hoodie and a pair of..way to big sweatpants, but it was all he had for the younger to slip into. So Jeongin did so, as Chan of course left the room to give him some privacy. While he slipped on the pair of sweatpants, pulling the strings as it was to big for him if he did not do so. He slipped on the oversized hoodie, reaching almost to his knee.

He felt extremely small in Chan's clothes, they were big, but very comforting. So he left the room, feeling a bit self conscious about his thinner frame, but he supposed he had to live with it for now.

"You look so adorably small..do your parents not feed you or what?" Chan commented, half heartedly a joke..and a bit of concern as well.

"Well they do..salad, eggs, chicken or steak..I'm not allowed bread, cause according to them it's bad for your health, they also cuts down on lactose a lot..." Jeongin spoke, looking down at himself, feeling quote a bit more self conscious again.

Chan noticed the change of behaviour and immediately approached him.

"No matter what, you look great, still adorable, but great" Chan smiled, ruffling the younger's messy hair as he grabbed his car keys.

"So you've never tasted fast food?" He asked with a big grin, looking at the younger who stood puzzled.

Yep, he was dead meat if his parents found out.

"No..and I assume it's not a very healthy for breakfas-".

"Blah blah blah, you only live once".

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