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"I heard about the argument.." Chan spoke, the young boy in his embrace, softly turning his head upwards to look into the man's eyes.

Yep definitely made of stars. So shiny and pretty.

"Nothing much happened. They tried forcing me to befriend someone for their own good..not so that I'd actually make friends..even though I was Seungmin, and that I do know him, it still hurts knowing they wouldn't really care about me..so I got upset, and I found out they knew nothing about me in general" Jeongin spoke, his tone softening as he looked away from Chan's gaze, feeling like crying.

He haven't cried in awhile. Quite relieving if you had to ask.

"Hm, must have been difficult. They should probably listen to you, you are their child after all.." Chan answered, running his hands through the younger's soft brown locks.

"Mhm..I miss being a little kid, following their rules perfectly. Now everything is catching up to me, too quickly. It's stressing me out, a lot..I've tried every in my might not to feel emotional, but I feel so goddamn infuriated" Jeongin described, sighing as he laid his head against Chan's chest.

He could hear his calm heartbeat, his soft breathing..I was relaxing. He loved relying his whole body onto Chan's hands, fiddling with his own with an anxious mindset.

He wanted Chan to be close to him. He didn't know why the urge was so strong. He just wanted him by his side, 24/7 365. That's what he thought. He couldn't contain missing this man, nor his opportunity to be with him. But he couldn't make a move, not yet.

But the urge ate him inside out.

Should he let go? Letting go of all his worries? Will it solve them? He doubted that.

"Don't get those thoughts into your head darling. You are the imperfect perfection, fitted right into my hands" Chan mumbled, his hands caressing his thighs painfully slow, but it was nice.

Laying there, with his mind being distracted from the bigger picture. His whole body absolutely limb as the only feeling he felt, was Chan's insanely noce hands, on his body.

The tension could be felt between them. One more obnoxious than the other, who could help but chuckle at the younger's soft whine once his stopped.

"Noo..why did you stop Channie?" Jeongin whined. Wanting to badly feel the older have his hands wrapped around his body.

Was this sexual tension? He couldn't help but think. Was this more than just love? An obsession perhaps? He still couldn't help but think.

Should he let go? Let Chan overwhelm him with his charm? He wanted too. He wanted it more than he ever though so before. But it felt much more strong and intense, in such a different way? Was he losing his mind? Or was his innocence being eaten up alive?

Whatever it was. He just wanted to feel nice and comfortable. Was this cursed? A sin perhaps? Should it matter?

Was he being to anxious?

So many questions. But was he even ready?

What if he wasn't? And he still chose Chan's priorities before his own? Would that make him a bad person?

He stressed.

"You seem so stressed darling..would you like me to help you forget darling?" Chan asked, his hands now placed firmly back onto his body.

But it wasn't a place he was used too. He was taken aback, a blush deeply on his cheeks as he yelped at the caressing touch.

"C-chan.." he whispered, not knowing what to say...was he being bad? For being this closed to someone, behind his parents back? A man to be exact.

"Answer baby..my name can be cried out later" Chan chuckled.

He seemed different..was he feeling alright?

But Jeongin was completely obnoxious to how sexual tension could change someone's confidence, behavior and tones.

Chan was different, because he craved the younger.

But Jeongin was still confused.

"I...uhm...I trust you".

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