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Last chapter was so bad-. My excuse is that I wrote it in a hurry, my apologies♡.

"Sweetheart what are you doing up at this hour?" The sound of his mother's voice echoed through his ears, making him stand up in a slight hurry.

"Hi mom, didn't know you were home just yet.." He started out, scratching the nap of his neck. "And well, I had just went to the toilet, turned of the lights..but I tripped" He giggled, desperately hiding the fact that he had two different men in his room. One crying, the other comforting.

He had to get his mother out right now, our else he didn't even want to imagine the damage it could do. Just the pure thought of such a nice bliss being pushed away from him, seemed to build more fear up inside of him, compared to how he felt taking his first exam.

"Oh, honey, you're too reckless..does it hurt or?" His mother checked him, looking at her son with worry filled eyes.

"No mama, it's fine..I'm actually all good..but I'm a bit tired..so I'll figure I'd head back to bed" He spoke, hugging his mother in a small and quick hug. Excusing himself to go to 'sleep'.

"Alright, me and your father will be in our rooms, we are heading of to dreamland ourselves" She smiled, leaving through the door as her steps could be heard going the opposite direction of his room.

That's when he sprinted up, going inside of his closet to pull Chan out of the stack of clothes. Relieved to still find him alive and still as good looking like when he arrived.

His next destination was Jisung. But before he could even take a step away from Chan, he felt an arm bring him close to a warm, firm chest. Causing him to sigh out in instant comfort.

"Baby..go easy on him alright? Jisung is sensitive..and I know he should've have told you, I didn't even know myself..but again, don't raise your voice or seem intimidating..you know how frightened he can get" Chan whispered in his ear, a hand caressing hid hair backwards as he leaned in.

His soft plump lips made contact with his forehead, causing a deep red blush to paint not only his cheeks, but ears aswell.

"Fine..I'll try my best".

"That's what I'd like to hear hm" Chan chuckled picking the boy up in his arms as they walked back into the bedroom.

Almost immediately spotting Jisung sitting on the bed, biting his nails and pulling off dead skin from his fingers. He felt anxious, you could simply see that on his face, his body language, heck even the atmosphere could feel it.

So, once Jeongin was put down, he went towards Jisung. He didn't know what was an appropriate way to approach, but at this point, everyone was stressed and anxious..waiting for the worst to happened. He slapped Jisung's hand away from his teeth, making the boy finally look up at the younger. Who stood unsurely on his knees.

A real friend..

That was indeed everything Jeongin have had, so he had to give back the same treatment and comfort. So, he brought the shaking boy, towards him. Letting his face collide with his neck as he rubbed circles on his back.

"Let's start from the beginning..Ji, just take it slow..".

Don't know how I quite feel about this chapter..but I suppose I must do anything for the storyline♡.

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