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"Hm..sweetie?" Chan spoke, catching the attention of the younger, who sat on his lap, concentrating on the art that decorated his skin nicely and precisely. "Too avoid drawing outside the limes so many times..angle your marker a bit, it'll help you see where the lined are placed" Chan instructed, noticing Jeongin's multiple failed attempt to keep the colors withing the lines of the latter's tattoo.

"Like this?" He asked, voice layered with innocence, as he angled the brush directly upwards.

Chan chuckled, placing his hand over the younger's delicate ones. Turning his hands downwards in a slow motion. instructing the exact details, with nothing but the slightest of touch.

Body language. Something that they both seemed to express themselves a way to each others. The thing that made them both realize, how deep down in the sea that they really went together. Something dangerous, yet exciting..catching a firm hold on both of them. Resisting the so called temptation to make a move. But oh well..it is only a matter of time before one of them would break, and confess.

That's at least what the others saw. The others that were sneaking small glances of the two boys, fondly being in their own world. Those others, were the exact friends, that wouldn't stop teasing them when they were alone. Simply amazing.

That was what Jeongin thought. It felt like a teenage dream to him, obsessed with having these secretive holds that made him slightly more powerful than his parents. But scared of being caught, due to never really knowing how to accept fate and failure. He felt like a mess.

Maybe he was a mess? But he hoped deep down, that Chan saw through all of that. That the older male wouldn't judge him forever. He held his head up high in anticipation. He just had to wait and see. So far, he could relax and chill for a moment. But in only in a matter of two days, freedom was not a word.

"I'm gonna miss all of this" Jeongin whispered, filling up the tattoo with a violet color. Suitable for its details along with it's lines.

"Your not going to lose it baby..you are not getting rid of me so easily" Chan smiled, squeezing the boy's hips gently for comfort, resulting in the boy leaning against his body.

"I doubt that.." He sighed, placing the lid back onto the pretty marker. A pout displayed on his face.

He wanted to eagerly get rid of the anxiety eating him alive. He wanted to badly fight his own demons, and stand up for himself. But he was undeniably scared for the outcome of that.

"I swore..if there wasn't anyone in this room, I would have proved you otherwise" Chan commented, his hands tangled in the boy's soft, slightly curly hair. As he did bring the younger closer, not wanting to leave quite yet.

It was 4 AM, but no one cared.

Jisung was painting Jungso's nails a sage green color, Seungmin was complaining about a new kid from school. And then there was Jeongin and Chan, in their own world, with shared thoughts and mindset.

"What do you mean by that" his asked with big eyes, looking up at the older with innocence devouring his whole face.

"Someday you'd find out, someday baby..".


"Shh..Seungmin is actually spilling some tea right now" Chan smile, turning the chair around so they were facing the rest.

And he was right. Seungmin was talking about a new student..a student that was bothering Seungmin to a certain degree that pissed him off earlier today.


That was all Jeongin could comment on. He was to far down deep, in a rabbit hole, which may or may not be Chan's comforting arms. To even focused on anything else anymore.

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