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The warmth of the elder's body comforted the tired boy, as he laid still in his arms. Under the blanket as he wrapped his weak limbs over Chan's body, cuddling impossibly closer to the male every now and then.

Something had sparked in Chan's heart when the boy first didn't want to let go of him, that day in the car. He didn't feel recognition with the feeling, and felt himself closing that feeling to further redeem himself..he wanted to know what made this, adorable boy so interesting to begin with..why he stood out so much amongst the crowd. But if he should be honest, he could only assume that it was because he was destined to help this boy out.

And Jeongin?..well he didn't know anything of how he felt. He was neither familiar with this type of feeling, and thought it was just the feeling of getting a close friend..who had his back no matter what. He had no background with love, nor friends..nor emotions to let out infront of anyone..so now that he had the opportunity to spill everything from his heart without care, he took it..and will continue to receive the precious care he was put through. just to feel important and loved, something he felt like he lacked from his parents.

Unlike with his parents. He didn't need to gain their friendship through hard work, or perfect studies..he just needed to be as much as a friend back to them, as they were to him.

Atleast that's what he hoped.

"Chan?" Jeongin's timid voice echoed in the latter's ears, finding the voice of the younger so sweet and angelic to listen to..when spoken too.

"Yes?" He swung out, his voice coming out rather raspy and deep, sending chills down his own spine.

"If one day..I get caught..would you help me?" Jeongin spoke, fear once again overtaking the boy's restless mind.

It was starting to go on repeat again, causing Chan to feel notified on the younger's mood change.

"I'm helping you right now..why wouldn't I in the future?" Chan asked, feeling slightly bad for the younger to have to go through restless thoughts. That seemed to keep him awake for hours at night.

"I mean..if I get caught, and something very bad happens..will you help me..out of here?".

Chan went silent. If you could ask him anytime other than now, he'd say yes..but he was in deep thought, knowing that Jeongin felt something that wasn't a quite positive emotion to deal with.

"Why your thinking about such things right now?" Chan questioned, his voice coming out as confused and worried for the boy relaxing in his arms.

"The Lee's kids..were uhm..caught, and no one has seen the eldest son since, only the youngest who comes to school..like every once in awhile" Jeongin spoke. "What if I'll end up disappearing too?" He continued worried leaving the male that kept him warm, and close up to his body..it confused him, it hurt him to hear the younger's penetrating voice shake and shiver by the thoughts of his parents possible harmful doings.

"I'll will not let them touch you..I promise that" He whispered to the younger, letting the boy give a small chuckle as he raised his head.

"I'm thankful for that Channie".

...but something still turned inside of them, leaving the over all distressed boy to shift and turn, wanting to felt closer and warmer to Chan..like a little baby seeking for their mother's comfort.

Chan noticed as he sat up, patting his thighs with a small, soft smile decorating his face.

"You can come cuddle closer if you want" Chan spoke.

The tone used in his saying was so genuinely soft and smooth, something Jeongin wanted to beg to hear again. A voice that could soothe his problems away, voice that didn't provoke him..a voice that kept the hope shining in his eyes.

"But what if I'm heavy?".

"You heavy? Where?" Chan chuckled lifting the boy into his arms as he sat the boy down on his thighs.

Jeongin blushed by the movement as he straddled the taller side by side, slowly leaning down to rest on Chan's warm yet firm chest, that rose up and down every now and then.

Chan pulled the blanket over their bodies again, wrapping his muscular arms around the younger's thinner frame, finding the boy undeniably adorable while laying his face buried in his neck.

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