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"So what about you? You heard me and Jisung's stories..I wanna learn about you" Chan spoke, taking a small bite of the ice cream they bought, sitting outside the convenient store.

Jeongin twirled the soft creamy and frozen substance of ice around, not knowing if it would quite be the best idea..if his parents found out he ate ice cream they would be disappointed in him. He sighed, taking a shameful bite of the delicious dessert like snack, before falling in love with the soft flavors melting on his tongue.

"Well..I...where to start actually.." Jeongin hesitated. If he was to be honest, he didn't believe he went through much hardships yet..just complicated parents and breaking rules. "I guess it's not much..I've just always been raised in a very strict and rich household..I didn't have friends before Jisung..well one, but when my parents found out they made me cut them off..Jisung opened my inner eyes for me, he broke into my house multiple times to watch TV with me, or talk about life..till late at night. So I guess he has always taken the risk of being my friend for the better. I've never tasted bacon, nor other many types of chips, chocolate is something I really wanna try eating! But my parents always tells me no. I have never eaten McDonald's, burger King, sunset, or KFC..I wanna try that..but my parents would definitely find out..right?" Jeongin spoke, taking another bite of the ice cream.

"No, cause your parents shouldn't really care about what your eating unless it's an unhealthy amount of food, or to little amount of food..they should let you be you, to try out stuff that is seen as controversial..that is how we all grow, we learn from trying things, whether they have good results or bad results..we always learn" Chan spoke, looking at the boy with soft glistening eyes.

Jeongin melted at those words..how could Chan be so..calming? So huggable. He wanted to just crumble into pieces just for Chan to come comfort him. He had a nice aura, a very stable aura. He was a man, not a boy like himself..he was mature and grown..he had learned from mistakes in the past, he has learned how to live life and how to help people get through with it.

"I just..can't go against them completely..they are my parents, yes unnecessarily strict, but I hope I'll get to atleast make some of my own choices" Jeongin spoke, a tears spilling from his eyes..maybe this did hurt more than he had originally thought?

"Your feelings are important Innie..let them out, or else they'll bottle and explode inside of you, it's not worth letting that happen" Chan spoke, switching his seat as he pulled Jeongin to sit on his lap, letting the boy cradle in his arms like an infant.

"I've had people, tell me not to complain, cause I've got money and a Silverspoon in my mouth from birth..I just don't think they realize how undeniably restricted I am from enjoying my time and life, i have barely any money in my bank, and they are monitored heavily by my parents..my phone is monitored too, heck it is even taken away from me! I haven't done anything..sometimes I wish I was just born into a economically stable enough family.." Jeongin poured his worries out, letting the man hold him close as he did so.

Chan could see it, but did not speak, he knew Jeongin needed to vent, to say stuff that he might actually not mean for the sake of feeling better...coping.

"I hate it..Chan I really hate it. I wasted my whole life, my whole youth in following the stupid path my parents have created just for me..I can't honestly take it" he cried, feeling himself being carried towards the car that were parked barely a few meters away.

"I think it's time to go home..you need to relax and sleep, want me to stay while you'll fall asleep?" Chan requested, opening the front door to the passenger seat, as he tried situating the younger on the seat.

"Actually..can't I sleep at yours place? I really don't want to go back right now" Jeongin spoke, clinging onto Chan as if he was a precious teddy bear.

Chan subtly smiled as he stood up, letting the younger shift to wrapping his limbs around his body. He figured that comfort in the moment would be everything he needed to relax, so Chan let him stay in that position even when he was driving home..letting the boy drift away to dreamland in his arms.

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