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When the sun had set, the three members of the Yang's household sat down in their car, ready to drive to a nice dinner..though, it wasn't as nice as many from the outside world would believe.

You see..their neighborhood was highly respected by the public, a complete opposite from the devil town. They always had nice dinners, attending charity events and working with people whose in need of help. Other than the fact that none of that was remotely true. The kids of the households are barely allowed to consume anything at dinner parties. Their family only attend and donate to charity when important people are there, rather to discuss business over direct charity. And they often fired people if they did not fit the reputation of their company.

Peaceful, was something these families couldn't contain within them. And therefore it was an underestimatement that they were happy, bright looking futures, and lucky families. They were not lucky. The kids were hungry, always hungry. Always being told how to act and speak for everyone in the public eye, how they should look or what choices they made. It was all under control, by their own parents.

"Mom, Dad..how long is the drive?" Jeongin asked, glancing outside hid window, to spot Seungmin getting into their car. A bitter and unsatisfied look on hid face.

"45 minutes, so just sit back and relax" his father spoke, without looking at him, much more interested in the phone in his hands.

"Oh Jeongin honey! Have you seen how nice Seungmin from next door looks! Why don't you try and talk to some of the noble kids instead of isolating yourself away from them?" His mother spoke, making Jeongin gulp softly.

Glad that they didn't know, but for some reason anxious as to why she had to mention it.

"You haven't gotten to know anyone since that one rat from your school, that you cut off. How about you start befriending these noble kids instead? Instead of an outsider in school" his father spoke, agreeing with his mother's statement.

Jeongin still remembered that they he was lectured for befriending someone from a low family. How much his parents went far enough to fulfill a restraining order against the boy Jeongin had befriended.

Kai, was his name, and a difficult last name he couldn't quite pronounce. Kai was a fun one, he was always energized and happy. He wasn't from devil town, but his ancestors were, so his families reputation was never as good as place regular family. Even so, he doubted that he was kicked from the school like everyone else. But even so, he wouldn't be surprised if he was.

If only they knew about Jisung and Chan..God that would never end well. Or how they would react knowing knowing was indeed talking with Seungmin..and even Felix.

"Hm, I don't know. I think I prefer being the loner I am" Jeongin spoke, taking a quick breath as the car started driving, not daring to look into his parents eyes.

"Talk with him honey, you know, it is also good for our reputation that our kids gets along.." his mother spoke in a disappointing tone, her sharp eyes could be felt through his skin as he sighed.

"I can't promise".

He felt a bit frightened from telling his parents off this way. He felt scared by his last spoken words, and feared I made them angry. He bit his nails in regret and stress, letting the silence stand heavy between them.

"Jeongin, you have really lost a lot of respect. We are just trying to protect you dear. Have you seen the Lee's, do you even know what happened?!" His mother spoke, rage slightly visible in her tone as he shifted his attention to his feet.

Of course he knew, but he couldn't tell them. No, that would get him in trouble, just saying. Oh yeah, I know that the Lee's are abusing their children and starving one of them to the point of possible death.

That would be a stupid idea.

"No.." he instead lied, clenching his fist as he awaited for his parents possible disgusting words.

"Lee Minho was having sex with a person from devil town, while they thought their parents slept, when in reality they saw it. Lee Felix, was caught sneaking out and eating fastfood, a disgusting act. They deserve the punishment given to them. They did something wrong, by going against their family. Minho's sins has now come down on him, and Felix is getting punished from breaking the rules. Luckily they won't come to the party, I don't want you to walk around being influenced by their behaviour" his mother chuckled.

It was sick to listen to. Knowing that he himself, was kissing a man, cuddling with a man, and getting a tattoo by a man. He himself snuck out, ate fast-food, made trouble in devil town, and so did seungmin.

They were far from obnoxious they one everything, they had a plan. To get revenge on these families, and how poorly treated they all were.

"But talk to Seungmin, he is a nice boy".

"I don't really want too..." Jeongin bit his lip, scratching his shoulder awkwardly.

"It is not a choice Yang Jeongin".

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