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It was completely dark by the time they had reached the school gates. All three of the boys agreed that it would be best to just let Jungso leave, and not get him involved too much into Jeongin's actual private life, than he already was. He did indeed understand and quoted he only was there to offer help to the younger, anything else was definitely none of his business..and definitely should not be any of his business.

Jeongin was glad that Jisung spoke up about the boundaries, that he didn't have to use his own voice to tell..even though that probably would have been for the best.

"I'm glad you came" Chan's voice broke Jeongin out of his thoughts, after watching Jungso drive away to most likely go hom.

"Well, it was a bit of trouble..but nothing Jisung couldn't get me out of" Jeongin spoke as he scratched the back of his neck, trying to get the awkward tension building up, to fall down again.

Chan laughed, noticing the small detail change of Jeongin's, prior to last time they met. He wore softer clothes and also seemed quite more comfortable and confident in clothes that definitely suited him more as a person.

"Well just be happy I'm great at arguing" Jisung spoke, already pulling them towards yet another car. Making Jeongin furrow his brows.

"We're driving again?".

"Yeps, I'll be driving you to a place of my own..I told you I wanted to show you last time, but you were sort of against it. So I'm taking the opportunity to take you now, since I have the chance to do so" Chan spoke, opening the door to the front passenger seat, telling thr youngest to get inside and buckle up, before he went to his respective side, in the driver seat and started the car.

Jisung who just shook his head, as he hopped in the back, taking in charge of the music as he connected his phone via Bluetooth, to the car. Jeongin was still processing everything that happened. He went from having a serious talk with his driver, to greet his parents and discuss with them..to suddenly have not one Jisung, but two people appearing inside his room, from two different places and methods. To sneaking out and driving away from his precious home..to switch cars where he was now practically being taken to a place that could possibly get him into severe trouble.

But even so, that thought seemed to excite him far more than he had originally thought it would.

"I..would really get into huge trouble Chan..if I get caught my parents would definitely send me to the most isolated place on earth.." Jeongin spoke, noticing at how Chan and Josung only seemed to chuckle and shake their heads at their statement.

Even though Jeongin felt excitement over the controversial doings, he still felt anxiety rushing through his veins. Was he taking it too far? Was he going to suffer from the consequences..he hasn't yet realized how troublesome all of this was.

But he couldn't just back out. He trusted Jisung and hoped that his bestfriend would not let him down in any given moment.

"Don't overthink. I was just as much of a worried kid as you are being right now" Chan spoke, driving seemingly carefully through the night, having an end destination to reach..yet he still drove as if he had no where to go.

"What do you mean?" Jeongin simply questioned, thought now invading his brain.

Did Chan also have overly controlling parents? Did he have strict and unfair rules to follow?..did he only escape after becoming an adult? If so, why was he so comfortable driving and hanging around people of different ages?

"Well..I didn't exactly have a relationship to my parents. As a child I always tried to impress them. But by the age of 14, I went out and slept at all of my friends placing, I never retrieved home after realizing that they were only interested in my older brother and their newborn baby, who was ofcourse my lovely little sister. They had put so much focus on them, that they totally forgot about me..they never paid attention and never invested anything on me" Chan spoke, letting Jisung just disappear into his own world in the back, who didn't really take the biggest interesting hearing Chan's life story again.

On the other hand, though. Jeongin was invested. The response was definitely not something he expected to get from the older. He felt sympathic, that Chan had to interfere with such difficulties at an already young age.

"At 16 I had already taking most of the matters into my own hands. I started tattooing on my friends and myself, finding peace in the art that would permanently rest on my body forever, and other peoples too. So I opened a shop with the help of an elder classmate that had to retake the grade I was in, who helped me build my working studio and advertisement. I started tattooing professionally already at the age of 17..I went home, packed my stuff and left my family behind. I knew that they wouldn't really have to biggest reaction to it, since no one even dared to share a word with me, or to invite me to family gathering, no matter how much I've tried fitting into he standard of being a completely normal son..it just never worked out I guess..so I moved in with my classmate, using the money I made from tattooing to pay for food, since my classmate paid for rent" Chan spoke, taking turn into the infamous devil town and drove down a pretty familiar rode.

"Moral of the story..don't try to please people if they can't see the current worth in you".

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