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"Innie don't worry about me..alright? I'm not going to disappear, I'm just not going to be in school anymore..it's fine" Jisung spoke, looking at the boy with half-lidded eyes, a habit of his that usually would occur when he wasn't feeling quite alright.

"Not it's not okay! They've been screwing you over..you spend hard earned money to get into this school, and they throw your chances away from getting away from that town..or heck maybe you wanna stay, I don't care! It is not fair.." Jeongin exclaimed, feeling anger rise in his blood. Unable to calm his own running mind, he looked up at Chan.

"Sweetie..we can't do anything about it..don't let your anger get on everyone, it is bad news indeed..but we are nowhere near as powerful as the government. We are merrily just young people rebelling against our own families..don't think so much, it doesn't suit you pretty face with all those frowns" Chan spoke, placing a hand on the boy's cheeks. Letting him nuzzle into the touch subconsciously, desperate to feel affection.

"A week? Till your parents retrieve home..is that why we are here?" Seungmin asked, looking at his phone with a small frown on his face.

Seemingly this affect Jeongin and Seungmin so much more than Jisung. They couldn't understand the boy's calm facade, why didn't he react badly?

"Ms and Mr. Yang will come back, I've cleaned the car yesterday, because Someone wanted a chocolate croissants from the bakery down the road" Jungso spoke, diverting his attention towards the rest of the group with a tired sigh.

"In my defence, it was actually a good croissant..leave me alone" Jeongin pouted, curling into a ball in Chan's arms.

"Have you've heard from your parents though? They could come anytime within a week if they wanted too" Seungmin spoke up again, bringing attention to himself as he finally looked away from that damn phone.

He did not hear much more from them, than the last call he last saw them in. It was a bit bothering, but easy enough to ignore. They were so disappointed, not even his explanation satisfied them.

"Yeah, let's just say it went downhill" he spoke shortly, wanting the thoughts of his parents out of his head a soon as possible.

It bothered him to the core. He wanted a perfect teenage life, he wanted to rebel, he wanted to do controversial things, like dying his hair a bright colorful style, or wearing anything other than sweaters and high waisted Blue jeans. He didn't want to look like a child anymore. But it would all be taken away from him the second his parents retrieve home. No more of Chan's oversized hoodies, that he may or may not have stolen from him. And no more casually walking out the front door in the middle of the night. No more focusing on anything other than school and homework..it bothered him.

"They were disappointed he skipped a day of school, even though he claimed to be studying at home" Chan explained. Caressing his hand through the young boy's hair.

"I don't want my parents to make me disappear..I wanna disappear on my own..".

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