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"Yeah, what is it?" Chan turned around to look at the boy in the back of the car, a smile soft on his face.

"I was just wondering...how'd you meet Jisung?" Jeongin spoke, looking at Jisung's house outside the window.

They have just dropped of the latter, letting him go home first after becoming strangely tired. So they sat in the car, Chan ready to drive off, not knowing exactly where..but just driving around, sounded quite pleasing to both their ears.

"Well" Chan started, starting to drive out of the parking lot of Jisung's house, or well actually more of an apartment, and just drove into the unknown. "When I fonded that place, a few close friends were the first to try it out..they soon later invited their other friends who were complete stranger to me, and those strangers..invited more of their friends" he explained, going into small details as Jeongin opened up his ears for information.

"Jisung was one of them, and he stood out amongst the crowd..he looked much more lost and complicated to see through, than the most of them..so I approached, of course.." Chan chuckled, looking in the review mirror at Jeongin. "He started opening up after a few meet-ups at the place. He was very social among the people there, mainly seeming like he only were there for weed and alcohol..but in reality it was much more deep and complex than that".

Jeongin got interested, he of course knew of Jisung's past struggles but never got to be there for him when he went through it..at that time they were merely just school mates, but of course he was informed later on as their friendship grew. But hearing Chan explain, was like listening to his father talk about his childhood.

"You probably know this already..but he actually came because of his mother, to find a place to settle down after the tragic event..Jisung felt at fault for his mother's death, and wanted to numb everything inside of him..so he smoked, drank and consumed whatever substance were near him..to numb everything. Of course on the outside he looked happy while doing so, but I noticed the signs and got him to stop...he then started spilling everything about-" Chan was caught of by Jeongin's quiet voice.

"About how angry his mother was at him for being gay, before setting the house on fire in attempt to kill him?" Jeongin spoke, taking the notice of Chan who gave a subtle nod.

Chan was an understanding and delightful man, well educated and had chosen the path of his life to pursue dreams, instead of satisfying others around him.

"Yes..but she ended up dying instead of him..I was shocked when I first heard..couldn't quite give out a word. But I could briefly hug him, while he cried out to me. That became a common accurance, before I sat him into therapy. There he started finding small coping mechanism, such as dying his hair, spray painting, clothing designs and sewing. I was proud of him..for you know being able to find peace within himself, he did not deserve blame himself for what happened..he deserves love and the right friends" Chan smiled.

"What about you? What's your story?" Jeongin asked taking interest in the older.

"I was a loner actually..had no friends to hangout with, my birthday parties were empty and full of void..actually I remember inviting my whole class, I decorated my own cake and blew balloons, hanged banners up with my mom, and waited patiently for my classmates to come..I think I waited till 3 AM, sitting in the same position, ready to invite everyone in..I thought it was a cruel joke on me..but my mom approached and told me no one would come..that was probably my first ever heartbreaking, realization that I was indeed alone in this world" Chan chuckled, catching the attention of the younger.

Jeongin felt bad, he wanted to embrace the older, but didn't quite know how to do so.

"I went through my school years not talking to anyone, I started isolating myself at home..everyone....well, everyone started hating me. My mom left my dad, and me..my dad blamed me for it..and I was kicked out before I finished school..I had to stand at my knees, begging people to just help me..I got cold eyes and was thrown to devil town, you know..when the two towns where splitted completely..I had nothing, and no one. No education, no parents, no friends, and no financial support..an upper classmen took me in, I started tattooing, finding love in the art I created permanently on myself..I found it all in the end" Chan smiled, stopping by an open convenient store.

"Ice cream?".

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