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Nothing could describe the uneasy feeling in his heart. The words Felix spoke to him sat somewhere in his nerves, not letting them relax for one second.

He was undoubtedly scared that he would be caught having friends over. If his parents were as cruel as Felix's what was he supposed to do? He wanted an average life, to be an average teenager, to do average teenager stuff. He just wanted to be average. But he was noble, his family was noble, he had to act noble. It infuriated him.

No, he wasn't complaining about getting tons of stuff for Christmas, or having food and water accessible at all times. The problem was that those items were limited strictly for his intake, if he wanted fast-food, he'd get a whole lesson to why it would never benefit him. If he wanted hot chocolate, yet even drank it, he'd be done for sure.

Just by that thought, deeply killing him alive. It felt torturous not being able to escape that mind of his own.

His head turned when sound of his window opened, in crawling Chan and Jisung just behind. A frown made its way to his face, looking at them with wonder.

He only remembered having plans with Chan, not Jisung. Why was Jisung here?

"Chan..why is Jisung here?" Jeongin spoke, his voice hiding obvious confusion.

Jisung shifted on his feet, a small, suspicious smile planted on his face.

"I know..uhm..on my way over here, I saw him lurking around the area..I decided to just follow him around for a bit, and he stopped a bit down the road, placing a box behind one of the houses..that's when I rolled down my window..he had nothing to say, so I figured I could take him along" Chan spoke, taking off his shoes as he laid in the younger's bed, eyes dropping close with a heavy sigh.

A house down the road? A box behind the house? Why? He knew Felix lived down that road, so it was easy enough to connect the dots. His face visibly lit up in realization, eyes darting to Jisung. Jisung does have an affair with Minho, doesn't he?

"Jisung..what were you doing at the Lee's?" Jeongin asked, eyes never leaving Jisung's body, as if he was a prey.

"How did you know I was at the Lee's? It could've have been any other residents. Why are you assuming them to be exact?" Jisung, in self defense, stood uneasy on his legs, avoiding eye contact with the latter infront of him.

Jeongin figured he'd better tell them, if not, he would not be able to explain why once he got in trouble. He knew it was coming, he had the feeling, so he would much rather enjoy the time while it lasted.

"I met Felix in school yesterday..we ended up talking about their disappearance. He mentioned your name, yet I chose not to assume it was you..are you still meeting up with Minho?" Jeongin's voice was dripping with stress..wanting to get information out of Jisung.

If he really kept that a secret..then how could've he? He was his bestfriend..the same friend thay has been sneaking in and out of his room almost every night. Yes he knew he had a boyfriend, but he didn't know who. And he didn't find it important to know who. But now he needed to know, everything.

"Jeongin..please don't interrogate me now..I just wanted to deliver something to him, I didn't even know Chan was watching..i-".

"How can you deliver something when he has a guard in his room?".

"His guard is actually a nice guy..but gosh, Jeongin please..not right now, I just wanted the be a nice supportive boyfriend, giving some food and water to survive on..and then retrieve home, nothing else" Jisung spoke, sitting at the edge of the window, his eyes closed shut as he tried to take even breaths.

But Jeongin was far from done. He felt out of place, like the friend of his couldn't even warn him about the danger. What if he was just a boy, Jisung used to numb the fact he couldn't even see his own boyfriend?

That hurt just by thinking of it. He clenched his together as he stood up.

"Ji..please, why have you been holding that a secret..yet never warned me about the possibilities? The fact you've known the risk..yet never told me anything.." Jeonfin felt betrayed, he couldn't hold back the uncomfortable fear inside of him.

And before he even could count to ten, Jisung was on the floor crying, Chan was holding Jeongin to his chest, trying to figure out wahy to do.

But Chan could come up with nothing. Having two stressed out teenagers in one room, seemed to even make himself dizzy.

"Baby, go easy on him..maybe you'd get more information out of him that way" Chan tried comforting, brushing a hand through his hair.

"Jeongin, Minho has nothing to eat..I can't go there everyday to give him food and water supplies! I can't afford it..I have to sometimes steal it, to feed him just the tiniest bit of breath I can find. He is not doing well, and his parents are in fact, slowly killing their own son! Felix is lucky he jumped out of the window and got severely injured, he got away with having to pay of hospital debts. But Minho has to pay with abuse and neglectment, from simply loving someone who is not a girl" Jisung cried, not knowing where the sudden outburst came from, but he needed to get it off of his chest.

No matter if he yelled it out loud, waking possibly everyone in the neighborhood up.

"Sungie..I'm so sorry to hear that..but I honestly don't know what to do myself..you could've have told me, and been more careful when taking me to places.." Jeongin spoke, voice filled with worry, betrayal filled his face as he looked at the older.

"I'm sorry myself, I couldn't see my own boyfriend, and I was scared to open up. I didn't want pity, nor did I want comfort..I just wanted to find a way to get Minho out of the house" Jisung spoke, never calming down from the outrage of pure chaos going on inside his head.

"Jisung, is there any way, you know you can get Minho out of that house? I'm sure Jeongin would love to help..and I also think, we've got enough information out, right Innie?" Chan spoke, wanting to end the argument in a good way, instead of it blowing up in chaos.

The silence took over the house, Jisung still sat crouched underneath the window, trying to find words, simply to just say something.

"I-" Jisung cut himself off, the sound of a car echoed through the yard, making all three of then alerted.

Jeongin ran to turn of the lights, as he scurried towards the window to see who would come late at night. His fingers pushed the blinds away from each other, just a tiny bit..enough to peek out so window and see whoever decided to make an entrance.

And that's when his blood ran cold. The face of his parents becoming visible to his eyes, making him turn around towards both Jisung and Chan.

"You have to hide, right now" Jeongin spoke in a whisper. Pushing Chan towards the walk in closet, hiding him behind the many rows of clothes.

And for Jisung, he simply pushed him under the bed, hoping his parents wouldn't fund suspicion.

"Both you and I, are going to have a serious talk later..alright?" Jeongin spoke, never letting the matter of their argument end that easily.

Jisung gave a small nod before hiding away completely.

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