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Tw: mention of suicide, depression, terminal illnesses, and self harm.

"Mom" Jeongin sighed as he looked at his mother, her eyes was brimming with tears as she looked back up at her son. Finding it hard to form her words, Jeongin decided to speak again. "I can't keep living like this mom. Your excuses for your behaviour and your abuse is not valid, and never will they be..either you accept my offer, or I have to leave myself..I'm tired of all of this, look around you mom, those this look like I'm happy to you?" Jeongin asked, watching as his mother's eyes darted to every corner of his room.

It was only now that she realized the scratches on the wall, the curtains almost ripped apart, his sheets were a mess and clothes were scattered on his floor. The amount of time he's spend locked up in this room because of his broken foot and the said consequences his parents gave him. It wasn't fair, and he hoped his mother could see that.

"Jeongin..I really can't make that promise..you don't know how much I really do love and care for you..it's just, your father is a hard man to please and-" Jeongin's mother attempted to speak but Jeongin cut her off seconds later.

"See, you don't love me. You put your husband before your own child, mother..it's difficult for me okay? I know that you think that keeping me on a strict diet keeps me healthy, but it tears my body apart..with the few nutrients and the small amount of calories I've been forced and used to eat for days, it's not fair. I wanna eat chocolate, ice cream, heck I even wanna chew on a stick of butter if I got the opportunity too. You don't love me, because you put your husband, and my father before me. I'm not allowed to have friends, nor see them, I'm not allowed to have a relationship, I can't go out at night and do whatever I want to feel alive. I'm staying in this room that rips me apart" Jeongin sighed, watching as his mother finally let her tears fall, hiding her face in her hands as she breathed in softly.

"I'm sorry..I really am...it's been hard for me to accept how selfish I am, and have been. I can't accept I'm a bad mother. I just wanted to keep you safe, but I did the complete opposite..I'm do sorry I got married to that bastard of your father, I'm so sorry I gave birth to you, I know this is going to hurt..but I never planned on having children" His mother spoke, breaking down in more tears as she grabbed onto her son who obviously flinched at her actions.

The words hurt a lot, knowing that his mother didn't even plan him, or want him..knowing how she talked about his father, made him widen his eyes in shock. Perhaps his mother was broken too? It still didn't mean he forgave her..how could he? After all they did to him, hell no. But he still felt a bit empathic, he couldn't help it.

"I think it's time I explain to you, how this family works" his mother spoke with a big deep breath. Her eyes looking up at her son who was staring back at her in disbelief.

He knew his family hid something, but he never really cared. He always just focused on having fun and running away. He didn't care about the big picture, and he really just couldn't, even if his mother was going to spill her sorrows upon him. It was not right that he had to listen to her problems, but seemingly no one else did. Do it wouldn't hurt listening to her, atleast in his opinion, it could atleast make him get a better understanding about his parents.

"When I got together to your farther, it felt like a dream. He was always gentle and nice, though very strict too. We were young back then. He had just turned 18, telling me about all the things he could do now, but then he also told me about the need to take over his parents company. He asked me to marry him right away, and I refused too. Cause I wasn't ready, I was purely just 19 and he was 18, a whole youth of life ahead of us. But he kept insisting for months, and months and months, on his birthday, he wished that I would be his wife. On Christmas he wished the same, the new years came along and your father got aggressive with it. So in the end, I agreed" his mother spoke, standing up to sit on her son's bed. Making him turn his chair around to keep facing her. He felt intrigued by the story, but kept his distance to his mother.

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