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"Jisung I swear if you don't slow down" Jeongin screamed, as he crashed into wall with a loud noise excruciating from the four wheeled metal cart.

Jisung had gotten that great idea to make a teenager only hangout for once. Leaving Chan to rot at home, and Jeongin to experience something more than just sticking to Chan.

And Jeongin wasn't quite frankly sure if being pushed around in a shopping cart, a 3 AM in the morning was any better, than to watch a movie with Chan. But he couldn't lie, it was fun how he collided with the wall. Screaming out of fear mixed with joy, a euphoric feeling that passed his body seconds ago.

Seungmin held a skateboard in his arms, chuckling as he saw the two best friend bicker at each other.

"Alright, my turn" Seungmin tapped Jeongin's shoulder whilst speaking. Making the younger not even hesitate to climb out of cold, and painful shopping cart, that would probably create a small amount of bruises.

"Fuck yeah, my turn to screw you guys up" Jeongin cursed out, both surprised and pleased with how easily it came out of his mouth around them.

Jeongin didn't wait a second before spinning Seungmin around, watching as the boy raised his hands in excitement. It felt special the way they just carelessly hanged out. Jeongin's parents were far gone from his mind, laughter from Seungmin filled his ears..while Jisung yelling after Jeongin seemed to please his ears, quite as much as laughing.

Just the pure thought of being free minded like this, felt amazing. He could do almost whatever he wanted if he wanted too. And Jeongin was taking up chances and risks to wrap his little head around them for a distraction.

Just what he needed. No parents. No guilt. No rules..whatsoever, he could be himself, yell, scream, laugh, and cry however he wanted. Without being scolded for showing emotions.

Once Jeongin managed to chase down Jisung with the cart, they all stopped to sit down and relax. Keeping the car close by as a ride to come back home.

"So two weeks until hell returns?" Jisung asked, looking at Jeongin with teasing eyes.

"Don't even remind Ji..I just want to forget them, they don't even know any of you other than Seungmin..they would flip at me.." Jeongin scratched the nape of his neck. Looking at Seungmin.

"Don't worry..I'll come over to keep you entertained throughout the day..they would obviously not push me away" Seungmin carved out, giving a hint of attitude in his tone that made both Jisung and Jeongin lunge at him.

For fun..

"Do you even know what to do after the exams?" It was Jisungs turn to speak, as he let his grip on Seungmin's wrists, let loose.

"If I'm sure, I'll be forced to go directly to college..I'm not ready for that obviously, so I will try to deny them..since I am indeed 18 by then" Jeongin spoke, looking at his friend's with a smile.

He brought his knees up to his chest, as he pulled the oversized hoodie..aka Chan's hoodie..over his legs so his whole body received warmth, as he relaxed against the wall.

"So your going to let me go to college and rot?" Seungmin spoke, almost offended.

"I'll visit I promise!" Jeongin exclaimed, making them all laugh in pure happiness.

Jisung checked the watch on his wrist, then his phone as it went off..causing Jeongin to scramble over in curiosity. It could be to him, or about him..wince he didn't have a phone on him currently..yeah quite shitty if you asked him.

"Chan misses you~" Jisung sang out, causing a blush to tint slightly against his cheeks.

"What even is up with you guys lately..so close, have you started dating?!" Jisung interrogated.

"N-no..listen I'm just trying to figure my thoughts and feelings out first..it is far too early to start anything" Jeongin explained with a small smile that crept to his face at the thought of Chan.

Jisung groaned kicking like a little child as he wanted to know more information, looking at Jeongin as he flashed his lashes.

"Why not? your perfect for each other!..".

"Jisung..you gotta remember what situation Jeongin is actually in. Also maybe Innie isn't prepared to just start dating a guy he met for the first time almost a month ago..give it some time..I think they just want to stay at the cuddling phase a the moment" Seungmin spoke over the hysterical boy. Saving the boy from the embarrassment.

He whispered a small thank you to the older, who only gave him a subtle smile first.

"But-...but..what about..but" thr boy trailed off loss of words. Completely just wanting his ship to sail to Hawaii on honeymoon.

"I think we should drop Jeongin off at Chan's..you can walk home alone from there, right Ji?" Seungmin asked.

"Of course! We've been friends for years! I know my way around devil town duh" Jisung got up still dramatic for no reason.

"So dramatic.." Jeongin whispered.

"Trust me when I say, that I know someone worse than Jisung when it comes to being dramatic" Seungmin chuckled, standing up as they started walking.

Following the young boy to Chan's place.

A filler chapter♡.

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