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"You're back home".

That was the first Jeongin heard when he came in through the door, that slammed shut behind him. He looked up to see his parents standing infront of him with a disapproval look on their face.

"We need to talk" his father spoke.

Jeongin's blood ran cold. He could feel the his breath shortening. Did they find out? What if they knew he slept with someone.

This was not what he needed right now. Simply and hour ago he was experiencing a moment of bliss and ecstasy. He didn't want his now peaceful a ha mood to be ruined by his parents. He sighed as he walked towards them, preparing himself to be scolded, yelled at, and even Locke away from the society.

But silence was all he heard.

"You wanted to talk..then talk" Jeongin spoke, his parents eyes widening a bit from the attitude of showed his parents.

"We wanted to talk about what happened in the car ride home yesterday" his mother spoke.

Jeongin let out a small sigh of relief. Happy it had nothing to do with any of the shit he was doing behind his parents back. He couldn't help but let himself chuckle softly.

"We don't like the attitude you've been having for the past time we've been home. We were only gone for a short period of time, and came home to a son with such a disgusting attitude. You need to get whatever you are thinking inside of your head, out. Cause you know that we have never hurt you" His mother spoke again, her raging tone was enough to make the younger's blood boil.

Who did they think they were?

Those was the exactly words he thought off. No, they never really done harmful damages to him. But they made him cut of a friend, they used him for their own goods, they restricted whatever unhealthy food from his diet, only to keep up his perfect 'healthy' image. They made him study for hours, wanting nothing but a successful child, not even caring one bit about his mental health.

He was so lonely before he met Jisung, who he managed to talk about everything to. He felt locked away, and hidden whenever his parents didn't need him.

They, only loved him when they needed him.

"Honestly..I'm surprised I've never acted like this before..I don't think it's a bad attitude. I believe this is fair share. You never love me, when you don't need me. You'd never let me enjoy different kinds of food, not even once in my life. You made me cut of a friend from school, cause I was being happy without your command. That is pretty hurtful to me. knowing I could be able to eat what I want, talk to who I want, go where I want, and treat me with simple human decency" Jeongin responded. Looking at his own feet, not wanting to look his parents in his eyes.

But was that a mistake?


Cause he never saw the incoming impact that brought him to tears within seconds.

"You listen to us! Who got you to be so disobedient huh?! You should've have just treated us with respect! Nothing else. Understand?!" He heard his father yell.

He held his cheek in surprise. Shocked that they could even think of hitting their own son. Was everyone in this neighborhood like this? Hurting someone when they were being disobedient. Why should he be obedient to them? When they couldn't even treat him right..

"Neither of you are above me in this household! Yes you make the money and so fucking what? I have a life to live too, to enjoy. Not to be fucking enslaved by you guys!" He screamed back at them. His loud choice of words astonishing even the maids walking by.

He rarely, raised his voice, he rarely yelled nor screamed.

He had enough.

"Don't you dare speak with such disgusting words to us! Remember who you are-".

"Remember who I am?! I'm your fucking child! What else am I? The upcoming CEO! Is that why you are treating me like a fucking dog?! You want me to walk behind your footsteps in complete order?" He interrupted, feeling his veins explode within him.

"You have no sign of respect do you? Where is our lovely son that hugged us, appreciated us? Where is he?" His 👩🏻 pathetic voice and words rung through his ears.


He was a fool to believe how they treated him was normal. He had to people knock sense into him, simply to tell him what his parents were doing wasn't okay.

"He doesn't fucking exist anymore! He was scared and anxious of outcomes like this. He did not want a disrupted household, but he knew once a was fucking all that this household, has always been fucked up!" He cried out loudly.

The burning sensation in his cheek was still prominent, knowing damn well how strong and powerful his father were. But he didn't want that to frighten him.

"Maybe you are the one ruining everything! You have been behaving so badly, that it is fucking disgusting to deal with. We do not want you to leave this house until that attitude of yours is gone! Understand?!" His mother yelled, grabbing his arm tightly making him yelp.

No, he couldn't be locked away from just disappointing them. That was not fair. He did not want to end up like Felix and Minho..it wasn't fair.

But it's not like he ever left the house to begin with. We'll other than sneak in and out of the window. But he rarely, ever used the front door. But still, knowing that it would be taken away from him, infuriated him.

"That is not a fucking way to solve a problem!".

His ears blocked out all noise, he could barely hear his own words coming out of his head. His sense of hearing was replaced by ringing, and annoying noise that burned down his brain.

"No more drives with Jungso doing the day. You'd come home right after school, and you will study in your room. You only leave your room for dinner and breakfast from now on. Until that disgusting attitude of yours is gone" he could faintly hear his mother's words, making him chuckle lowly.

"Fuck you".

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