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"What did you two do last night?" Seungmin glared at the two lovers, knowing damn well what happened last night in this very room he was in.

Jeongin couldn't help but blush intensely at how the question was being asked, Chan just chuckled to himself. Honestly neither of them cared that much, in fact, the people in this neighborhood could believe it was anyone without a proper alibi. So Jeongin felt calm, he somehow also wished his parents were home to hear him, fucking himself on Chan's dick. But they weren't, and he was totally cool with that too.

"Jeongin wanted to show me what he's been researching on" Chan smirked, pulling the younger closer by the butt, his eyes showing pure amusement whenever he looked at Jeongin. The way he could change up so fast, from being confident and powerful, to such a little cute, cuddly baby. The boy was one of everything, a jackpot.

"Nah..you didn't need to be so loud! You guys were so loud my momma thought I had someone over" Seungmin spoke with gritted teeth, his eyes darting between Chan and Jeongin.

Just the pure thought of Seungmin's mother interrogating her own son, about whether he had sex behind his parents back, kind of made Jeongin want to burst out laughing. But he was also curious about what happened after, if Seungmin managed to convince his mother it truly wasn't him.

"Maybe you should try to have someone over" Chan smiled sheepishly at Seungmin who just glared at him. "I still don't know the guy's name your talking too" Chan spoke fiddling with Jeongin's hands.

"We aren't a thing Chan! How many times do I need to tell you that" Seungmin groaned, intriguing the youngest amongst them, about who Seungmin and Chan was talking about.

"I wanna know who Seungminie is talking too!" Jeongin yelled out teasingly, his eyes darting towards Seungmin with a huge smile. "You wouldn't mind telling us right, we're friends!" Jeongin spoke, figuring that playing just the right cards can make the boy spill some tea.

"He is just a stupid boy..dramatic, and drop dead gorgeous..but! We aren't a thing. I promise!" Seungmin defended, trying his hardest not to sound head over heels about the boy he was talking about.

"So Seungmin had a crush neither of us knew about..cool".

"No I knew, you didn't" Chan replied coldly, making the younger pout as he hit his firm chest.

"So? Who is it" Jeongin asked, his eyes still stuck on Seungmin who just shrugged, not muttering a single word to defend himself from further embarrassment.

In Seungmin's opinion, neither of the two little lovebirds, needed to know who he hanged around with behind their backs. Not that it was someone bad, actually it was easy to get access too him, since he lived in this very neighborhood. No one ever suspected a thing, and it had to stay that way. But Seungmin could still see the very curiosity behind Jeongin's eyes when he  looked at him, hoping it'll convince Seungmin to spill the words they wanted to hear so badly. But he didn't fall for it, instead he turned his back around, and rummaged through his backpack, pulling out a bottle that seemingly contained some unknown clear liquid.

"I can tell you about him, if we ever becomes a thing..but don't get your hopes to high..his a dickhead" Seungmin spoke, his eyes growing sad at the mention of the man he wouldn't like to talk about. "Also, we were talking about you guys! Please for the love of God, keep it down next time" Seungmin chuckled bitterly, unscrewing the cap of the bottle, as he brought the said bottle up to his lips, gulping a good amount down his throat.

"We don't have any defense to that..we just enjoyed each other.." Jeongin grinned, cuddling back into Chan's embrace after he was done sulking about the latter's previous behaviour.

Chan just smiled and pulled him in closer, knowing the younger was finished with his small tantrum, he couldn't wait to cuddle the boy up into his embrace. Seungmin, who obviously thirdwheeled to that.

"Hm if you say so..but really be careful guys" Seungmin smiled, joining the duo on the bed, as he situated himself a good distant away from Chan and Jeongin, giving them space to be all lovey dovey.

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