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It was night. The sky completely dark and covered with clouds that no longer could be spotted. The moon hid behind them, as the two males hid behind their curtain, gazing at Seungmin's window with sharp eyes. They waited for the perfect moment to hear a call from Jisung, who was waiting behind the Lee's resident.

It was planned that Jisung stood beneath, watching Felix once he was climbing the roof, making sure he was safe the whole way. They had planned the exact date of the day Minho and Felix would runaway. Jeongin wasn't exactly sure about the plan anymore, finding it quite risky to help them with running away. But he also knew hid best friend intentions, on how determined he was to get Minho out of that house, and that meant they of course couldn't leave Felix behind. If it has gotten according to the plan so far, he knew that Minho had received the written letter in the box only two days ago, hopefully notifying the guard inside of his room.

So they waited, and waited, 2 hours gone past. And they kept waiting patiently. Chan had his phone that was able to contact Jisung, informing them on the process so far.

"Felix is in..hopefully this goes right according to plan" Chan sighed, sitting down as he knew it would take some time before Jisung would come running towards the younger's window.

The good thing, was that his parents were sound asleep. Knowing nothing about the situation. And another good thing, the locked the door by placing a chair underneath the door handle, making it pretty much impossible for his parents to come in. Unless they are magicians, which you never really know.

"So, how about we leave the window open, and relax a bit huh?" Chan smiled as he wrapped his big hands around the smallers waist. Making the boy gulp.

Something was just so unique about Chan..his pretty plump lips, oh so kissable. Maybe he did fall hard, maybe he was indeed a minor, but his mind couldn't care less. Chan treated him right, he fitted perfectly in his grib, and there was only a matter of months before he turned 18. He couldn't help but fall for the handsome guy.

"Chan.." he silenced himself, embarrassed to say what's on his mind.

Was it to early to kiss the older? They did know each other for three months now..and their relationship hasn't changed much. They weren't exactly friends, there was always a small glint of romance between them..and it didnt feel teasing or sensual in that way, I felt indeed, honest, and pure. So he really wanted to step further, he just has no idea when..or how to kiss.

Gosh, how was he supposed to know how to kiss? Him out of all people? He'll no. He never did anything, not even explore himself sensually like many others his way, how was he supposed to know how to kiss a person. Chan is the first one he has fallen for the seemed so sincere.

Sure he have had crushes, many of them, but his underlying sexuality couldnt just be exposed to many of them. So he relatively kept quiet, knowing the fact it was always a one-sidded crush.

But Chan felt different..he was touchy, always having his hands on him in a form of way, kissed his head and has given him cute nicknames from the very beginning. How could this be one-sidded this time..and was it even a crush anymore, or just simply pure love?

So was it understandable that he wanted kisses? To have the mans pretty lips ignited on his? Was it shameful? He hoped not.

"Hm, tell me what's on your mind baby".

No, I couldn't be one-sidded. It has to be impossible, unless Chan was playing games.

He couldn't help but to gaze down at the plump lips, staring at them for minute or so..hope flowing through his veins. The tension rose between them, hot breaths being heard as he held himself back. Once he looked back up at Chan, his dark brown orbs shined right back at his.

"Can..I....nevermind" Jeongin mumbled, cursing underneath his breath as he turned around to gaze out the window..spotting no Jisung there yet.

Maybe what felt like hours was just five minutes?

"You can" Chan spoke, turning the boy around as he presses him against the baby blue painted walls.

He really needed to get his room repainted...

But for now, he had to focus on the Olde infront of him..a blush heavily on his cheeks as he grabbed onto Chan's shoulders. Anxiety rising in his body, scared he was so bad that Chan would demolish him.

"I don't know how" he whispered, completely autobil for Chan to hear within their short distance.

"Just follow me..I is meant to happen anyways" Chan smiled, experimentally leaning in closer, making the boy against him gulp visibly.

The heat rushed further to his cheeks, trying to find out what to do now..should he close the gap? Or should he push Chan away? He didn't know. Also didnt know whether he should go with what he wanted..or if he should stay present in their mission and avoid controversy.

"Damn it..kiss me please.." he spoke, almost out of impulse, before pulling Chan a bit closer.

Chan didn't hesitate anymore, glad he got the full consent and closed the gap between them. His full lips meeting the younger's, eyes closed a he wrapped his muscular arms around the younger's torso.

Jeongin felt full, happiness and butterflies filling up his stomach as he kissed back, pleased by Chan's doings. It felt warm, passionate, and reassuring. He let his whole body go weak, letting Chan take care of him as he was lifted up, his legs around the man's torso, arms around his shoulders, and back against the wall.

As the kiss turned more heated, they expressed loved through their body language, taking small yet powerful breath, only to go back to kissing. It was the beautiful moment, all that Jeongin has ever dreamed of. The pure thought of being cared for, caressed, kiss oh so passionately..it was all do special to him.

They eventually pulled apart, their foreheads stuck together as they pants heavy breaths. Jeongin thanks his lucky stars for this moment, or in fact, he thanked them for meeting Chan. This was undeniably remarked into his core, how Chan still held him up, hands on the side of his waist. Beautiful.

"You are going to get through this..I promise you baby" he kisses him softly one last time, sadly setting the boy onto his own legs, as they stared at each other fondly.

"Now, let's go back to being focused yeah?".

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