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"This...is crazy" Jeongin mumbled leaning back in the car seat as he viewed his house from a good distance. Seungmin who sat beside him had the same reaction on his face as Jeongin, and Chan who was moderately confused.

"Uhm..is this normal or? Are we just going to sit here and wait or?" Chan spoke drawing out the questions from his tongue, biting his lips as he didn't know what to do.

Currently the three was situated inside the car, kind of hidden in the drive way to the Kim's residence, but having full view of what's going on beside them. News reporters and officers crowded the area to the younger's, once, home. Flashing lights blinding the pair of rich parents standing by the porch, answering questions upon their missing son.

He knew this would come, but not this quick. Every family of the neighborhood was also peeking out their windows and doors to see the situation revolving the Yang's household. Everyone shaking their heads in disbelief.

"Eh, not really, we don't actively get news reporters here, unless something big is happening.." Seungmin replied the long awaited question, making Chan furrow his brows. "It's about innie" he then finished, pointing at one specific officer. "That cop right there? Yeah, he was head of the case for Felix and Minho. He doesn't believe what was put out in the media since their first disappearance. So, I don't think his going to believe this at all.." Seungmin spoke, sitting back down after leaning over the front seats, buckling up his seatbelt for no reason at all.

"The media is going to know.." Jeongin spoke.."I had that feeling from day 1" he mumbled, fiddling with his hands.

Chan groaned, slamming his head against the seat in frustration. As he looked at the parents of the younger who spoke on and on, probably making excuses for the crowd of unwelcomed people.

"So be it..like, we can't hide this forever baby, the media would have to know some day. And if they are getting closer, then let them..your parents don't deserve this attention at all! Just let it fucking be at get out of here" Chan exclaimed stressed out, starting the engine as Jeongin didn't speak a single word in response.

Instead he leaned back completely. Resting his head against the seat as Chan drove the opposite direction of the crowd..going completely unnoticed by the said crowd, with no problem at all.

"Slay" Seungmin sang out, getting looks from both Jeongin and Chan. "What? I'm the odd one now? You're the dude from devil town in a rich neighborhood. you are on runaway..let me have fun alright?" Seungmin complained, lightening the mood in the car.

"Damn, no need to attack" Chan surrendered by putting up his hands for a moments..before placing them back down on the steering wheel.

"So why did you pick me up?" Seungmin asked, as he hugged his knees, waiting from a response from the two boys up front.

Jeongin looked at Chan who just smiled in response.

"Quite a lot of reasons actually..but first..do you have an old phone I could borrow?".

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