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If you could ask Jeongin how he even agreed to this, the answer would be a pretty big question mark. Cause him laying on a small comfortable chair, Jisung laughing in the background to Chan's jokes..and Chan simply preparing what seemed like a torture device..or well..who know? Maybe it is a torture device after all.

All he felt was pure confusion and debates going off in his head. He was letting a man he met, barely even 24 hours ago, tattoo him on his hip bone. Meaning he had only his boxers on, and a towel to cover himself further with. He felt anxious of the pain, but knew that should be the least to worry about when Chan was just finishing up attaching the needle to the tattoo gun  preparing to rip his skin and poke it numerous times, layer after layer.

He allowed Jisung to choose the design. Since the little mind of his own couldn't decide, and since he knew Jisung the longest and probably best out of anyone...he trusted to said male to pick his tattoo. It was a bit big, but not enormous like Chan's, nor was it noticeable..so he liked it.

The design was pretty. It was a moon covered in beautiful plants that wrapped around the moon. Simple, pretty and easy to hide. Chan was telling jokes and funny stories about his past encounters with people, and to say, Jisung was on the floor laughing.

"So little one, how are you feeling?" Chan chuckled further not getting over the random situation he had put the youngest of them all, in.

"One, I'm gonna kill you both, two I'm getting killed by my parents, and three, I feel like I might die any minute. So hurry before I do something even more stupid" Jeongin complained, letting both Chan and Jisung stiffle out loud with laughter. Causing himself to chuckle a tiny bit.

"Alright, once I've  started you can't go back".

"Thank you, I didn't know that" Jeongin sassed back. Holding the arm rest on the chair that was lowered so that he laid back down.

He inhaled feeling as Chan started to prep his skin, placing the stencil on short after and showed it to Jeongin. Who honestly couldn't really care unless it was too visible  He nodded in approval, deciding that it was the perfect place for it. Letting Chan know that he could continue to the torturous part. Letting the male nod his head in approval himself.

Jisung was beaming with excitement, jumping up and down as he took pictures on his phone. Chan was just casually talking back and forth to both Jeongin and Jisung. While Jeongin was still debating in his head, whether if this was a good idea.

"I'll be digging in now" Chan spoke, causing Jisung to stiffle in yet another laughter, as Chan turned on the machine, moving closer to the younger who laid back, taking small deep breaths.

He was honestly scared whether it was going to hurt or not..he was worried for the pain, but have he ever lived his teenage life without doing something so incredibly stupid?

He didn't think so. So therefore he laid back down and relaxed. Letting Chan stab him down with the needle, poking the ink into his body at a fast pace.

And once Jeongin felt the needle come in contact, he knew there was no going back.

Chan chuckled softly when Jisung came with a stuffed animal, letting the younger hug onto it as a distraction from the pain. He was indeed informed that hideable places would hurt the most, so he had to suck it up..cause again, there was no going back.

"You look adorable" Chan commented wiping the tattoo being made, to get the access ink away from his body, so he could see where he should tattoo next.

Jeongin just nodded, not minding to agree with something he hated being called.

The art hurted like hell, but Chan seemed to do everything in his might to make the younger, as comfortable as possible. And for sure Jeongin appreciated that..he just couldn't process the fact he was getting a tattooed permanently done to his skine forever.

The way Chan talked to him through the process, made him feel calm and well aware of what was going on. He told about clients, what he did to reach so far in his life..and even jokes and stories from when he was younger.

It made Jeongin feel as if he had known Chan for years, despite only knowing him for quite litterally a day.

Just judging based on their first talk, he could see potential in the oldest eyes. How he seemed so passionate about the people he loved and cherished. It was something that put Jeongin in awe, and something that made the younger urge to meet the taller.

Jisung was right..last night was the best of his life, and tonight shall be better. All because of him and Chan, he felt safe. Also Jungso seemed trustable so far, so he hoped that man would stick to his words.

All Jeongin hoped, was to get through this last year of his so called "golden years" in peace and quiet, with the support from Jisung..and now maybe Chan too.

Took awhile to publish this, and I apologize..I've just been busy so yeah :D.

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