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The ending to something is always a beginning of something new, whether if it is beautiful or far more dark an brutal than before. But we shouldn't be scared to start up a new beginning, we are nothing but humans after all, a living creature setting off their footprints on planet earth. Jeongin personally believed that back then, going through a horrendous childhood, chasing after his teenage dream before it was to late, and starting up fresh and new in adulthood would have made his life complete. But now he know that without the people he met through that exceptionally hard year of his life, he wouldn't be here, where he belonged, where he was genuinely happy and healing from the extreme trauma. He did not once look back at his past to reflect on how he felt, he did not once look back to remind himself of what made him who he were today. Cause even though his past meant the most to him, he meant that it was only a small amount of people who deserved to know about it. Not because he wasn't proud of it, not because he wanted to show it in people's faces. But purely because he just wanted to let the past be the past, the future should stay the future, and the present shall be the present.

We need those three elements to live our life. Our past, present and future.

We wouldn't have a past without a present or a future, we wouldn't have a future without a past or a present, and we would never have a present if we didn't have our past nor future.

We rely so deeply on time, that some find it hard to keep up with. Either people would be running faster than the time itself to experience life, and not spot the consequences of their actions. Others followed along with time, to judge and see how everything goes, those people go with the flow. And then there is the ones that stays behind time, the ones that suffers and struggle to move with it. They can't pick up the pieces and mess the time left behind, because the people are so devastated over the current events in their lives that they never pick themselves up.

But we've all been behind, we've all been to fast, and we all need to focus ro stay harmonized with time. Yes we should be allowed to fall behind and get injured, but if we don't take on the responsibility to pick up our mistakes, we won't come further in life. Yes we all get a bit to carried away, and we will slow others down if we do not learn how to control our impulses. And yes we all had thar great old feeling of being just right, but we shouldn't get used to that, cause we will still eventually fall and hurt ourselves, and we have to learn that it is okay to fall behind.

That is what humanity is.

We learn how to thrive with time. With the past, with the present and with the future.

But if we never try to encourage others, or if we never rely or let others rely on us, where would we end up?

Time is unknown, it is limited. But it is still very much here.

And Jeongin knows that, now that he decided to move away from his distractions, graduated all of his schools without having the stress bring him further down. He got a job, moved together with Chan, all the way to the country side, in a small house with the nearest store being 30 minutes away by walk. The rest of their friends moved with them, Seungmin eventually moving with Jisung, a thing non of us ever expected. Felix alone, with his solitaire self, but right beside Jeongin and Chan..Minho suffered each day together with Jisung and Seungmin's daily arguments and disagreements.

And Jungso? Trust me, we wouldn't forget about him would we?

He brought his whole family with him. Have two young beautiful daughters, a son way to energetic to know what sleep was, and his sweet wife who baked the most delicious desserts.

Together they build their own community, an unknown one, together they build a home within each other. Seungmin became a doctor 3 years ago, Jeongin began doing freelance work, Chan carried on his own tattoo workshop into the nearest city, and gaining recognition online for his skills. Jisung worked locally at a grocery store, while Minho focused on writing. Felix? He is still attending school, studying various different subjects he might been curious in.

Jungso? He finally stopped driving around rich people, and focused on farming. Yes, farming, which shocked the whole friend group in general.

But they never denied each others dreams. They were supportive of it.

And just like that, Jeongin managed to go through rough times of his life, becoming confident with the scars on his body..and even, now don't let it come as a surprise.

Even managed to get married to Chan in Australia, after the man finally proposed to him 2 years after their relationship becoming official.

7 years passed by since the now grown man, was purely just a boy. He learned more than he needed and stayed loyal to the people he loved the most.

And he swore on his own life that he would protect his family.

Or did I state that wrong?

I meant.

His actual family he builded through love and loyalty.

He finally got the peace he wanted.

And he smiled to the world knowing he won the lottery in life.

The End.

I never expected to almost hit 6k views on an undoing book. Sure my books have gained recognition while writing, but mainly after the book was finished.

I can't believe the amount of support I've gotten on this one! And I'm do incredibly thankful for it.

I am of course coming out with a new book, I don't have an exact date in mind. But I will announce on my profile when I'm publishing the first chapter!

Again thank you so much for supporting my work! It means a lot to me!

See ya in another book!♡.

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