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That's how he felt, walking through the endless halls of pure deprivation of other students. He couldn't pin point his exact thoughts, he just needed a quiet place to be in the moment. Figuring that the awful atmosphere in the crowd, he scurried away towards the norths hallways. Hoping to find the big room filled with endless of books.

The Library.

A calming and quiet place, that was the requirements. Of course, so choosing to find the library immediate crossed his minds, his body moving on it's own. Feeling so desperate just to get away from all the noise and all the voices, both in the crowd and in his head.

An escape.

Once he made contact with unnecessarily large doors of the welcoming quiet atmosphere, he let out a breath that he didn't know he has been holding. Maybe it due to all the horrible smelling perfumes and colognes within the crowd, that seemingly blocked his airways..that reminded him of Chan. Probably the only type of cologne he could inhale for hours on dead end. Something so refreshing, he wanted it badly.

Maybe, just maybe he grew a bit attached to the thought of having the older near him, to hold him when he felt upside down. A beauty that he wasn't even scared of.

But he indeed was scared of the outcome in it.

The torturous fact that someone would take away the people he cherished. The thought that somebody could just snap their fingers and make everything just turn downhill. A fear that was unlocked due to anxiety stressing him out.

A prison..

"Excuse me?" A soft, deep voice interrupted his raging thoughts, cousing the boy to turn around. Being met with a male, about the same height as him, black hair, and pretty freckles decorating his skin like stars.

He felt as if he has seen this mysterious boy before, he could see the shadow over the boy's delicate features.

"Yes?" He mumbles softly, figuring their close distance was subtle enough for a whisper.

"You are kind of..in the way" he spoke, lowering his head as if he expected some type of punishment.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'll move" Jeongin whispered, moving out of the way as he watched the boy.

The boy a small table, filled with books on it, asbhe started sorting out the different positions within the alphabet, color, and age restriction.

"Isn't it quite late that your here? The first class..starts in 2 minutes" the male spoke as he turned around to look at the younger, eyes frowned downwards.

"Uh..yeah. my head is kind of a mess right now so..I guess I'm just gonna skip the first class" Jeongin spoke, shortly after taking a deep breath to restore his thoughts.

That didn't go well though, he felt like everything was mess at the moment and it really started to get on his nerves. He was tired. Really, fucking, tired.

"My parents would slaughter me alive if I skipped.." the boy mumbled, seemingly to not be heard. But of course it didn't go unheard by the younger.

"Your parents? Guess I'm not the only one then" Jeongin chuckled depressingly, following the male as he moved. Out of lure curiosity. "Then why are you you here..and not in class?" He asked, trying to figure out why the boy was not in class was he literally, just stated his parents disapproval.

"Well they want me to pay back for what I did..I can't believe having a bit of fun..could tear both me and my brother's life apart..but here i am, forced to do coursework and attend classes..when I have the ability to do so" The boy spoke, silently shaking his head.

Something hit inside the younger, frowning as he turned the boy around for a second. He still looked familiar, like he has seen him before. His mind went to the boy's words. His brother has gotten in trouble too? He felt wrong for connecting dots. But he felt the urge to know now.

"What's your name?" Jeongin whispered, staring into the boy's brown orbs, looking as if he was staring at a blank wall.

He noticed that one of the male's eyes, were slightly discolorated than the rest of his face. Seemingly a bruise that is just managing to fade.

"Why? My name is Felix..Lee Felix to be exact.." the boy spoke, lowering his head before turning towards the rolling table filled with books, pushing it forward. "And now excuse me, I'm trying to work.." He finished shortly, but Jeongin followed him.

Lee Felix? Lee Minho? Bruised eye? Disappointed parents? He was apart of the Lee's family..the boy that went out with a lighter punishment than his brother.

"Lee Minho?" Jeongin spoke out, causing Felix to turn around in an instant. Shaking his head to the side to see if anyone was near.

"How..don't mention his name" Felix spoke through gritted teeth, eyes filled with fear..as if saying that name was a bad thing.

"Your from the Lee's right? The family that mysteriously disappeared into their own house, and barely seen leaving? You're apart of one of the brothers caught in trouble right?" Jeongin asked, almost as if it's a questioning going on.

Felix huffed turning around, yet once again, pushing the cart..why did he avoid the subject?

"Don't talk about it" he again spoke through gritted teeth. Looking at the books, deprivation filled through his face.

"I'm Yang Jeongin..we live in the same neighborhood..I'm.." He trailed off, after getting the boy's attention again. Not knowing if it was safe to mention. "I'm..kind off in a similar situation..don't get me wrong, I have yet to be caught..I just-" before he could continue, Felix smacked a hand over his mouth, shaking his head quickly before pulling him towards the staff only area.

The confusion rose, along with the heavy tension.


What did he just put himself through? He should've have kept his running mouth shut.

Once they were alone, with Felix locking the door and making sure it was secured close and steady. He turned to the Jeongin, eyes stuck in a glare.

"Whay do you want to know?".

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