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"Your cast is soooo pretty!" A voice exclaimed from the other side of the room. Making the lonely boy turn his eyes towards the side of the room, spotting a particular male outside his half opened window.

But he wasn't alone, no..he had two people with him.

"Jisung?" Jeongin sat up confused, watching as the male smirked softly. Pushing open the window completely, crawling in as he was followed by the other two.

"Well, I missed you..it's been so long, so I couldn't help but to go and see you, I'm glad you're awake though!" Jisung exclaimed, his happy, energetic self standing prominent in through the room as he strolled towards the younger's bed.

Jeongin was blown away slightly..not expecting Jisung to pop up out of nowhere. But he was happy to see his bestfriend again. Them being separated for a month due to their own inconveniences really seemed to have and effect on both of them. Jeongin definitely needed his bestfriend back, his happy glsmorising self produced personality that shined whenever he entered a room.

Yep. That was the Jisung he knew.

Don't get him wrong. Seungmin was fine, and even if they clicked together, the younger couldn't help but to feel quite..alone.

"I'm glad to see you again..I almost thought you forgot about me" Jeongin smiled, gladly letting the older take his seat on his bed.

"Touchè" Jisung breathed out, scrunching his face up as he brought his hands to his chest. "No..but honestly, I've been busy" he sighed laying down as he mentioned for the other two to come closer.

"Tell me about it" Jeongin rolled his eyes, looking up at the two familiar males in his room. "Hi Felix, and hi Minho..how are you guys?" Jeongin spoke, glad his bedroom door was locked by the chair beneath the handle.

The two brothers smiled briefly before taking their spots on the bed, sitting both stiff infront of the younger.

"Better..but not best. The police stopped searching a week ago, we have somewhat freedom now" Felix spoke.

"That's it? What happened after you ran away..I want details" Jeongin spoke, knowing that he only knew and helped them get away..not exactly being there when it happened. And he never asked, since the first time he saw them after they ran, they weren't exactly ready to explain the whole story to Chan, Seungmin and him.

"Well..it went smooth getting out and all, we jumped out of Minho's window, discussing with the guard inside to not tell a singular word. We then met Jisung in the garden, he guided us to the road, and helped us all the way to devil town. Eventually, we reached Chan's apartment and settler down. We got Minho to eat something..but he hasn't really said much since" Felix explained looking at his brother who scurried all the way into Jisung's arms, cuddling close to hid chest, far to scared to let go.

Jeongin rose from his seat and jumped on one leg towards Felix, letting the two boys have their seat on the bed.

"I didn't think Jisung was related to Minho until you said his name. I also never thought of Jisung to be the caring type" Jeongin spoke, looking at his spontaneous friend, who seemed to calm down from his adrenaline push.

"It didn't use to be that way. Minho has always been the dominant one in their relationship, being in charge of taking care and helping the younger. Back then, he radiated pure top energy, but now, he has dropped low, demanding affection from only Jisung. He even does not want me to hug him, he is too scared" Felix explained, looking at his brother with pity. "He haven't really spoken a word to anyone but Jisung these past months. I think he just needs to warm up to everything slowly..he did live in pure hell for quite some time" Felix sighed out.

"I don't know him at all, but if Jisung care about him..then I do too" Jeongin spoke, gazing at his friend who tried cheering Minho up. "Welcome to the group, I guess?" Jeongin chuckled, shifting back his attention to Felix who glared at him.

"What do you mean?".

"Well, it started to just be me and Jisung. He would sneak into my house almost every night and made me try various things. When he thought I was ready, he took me to the place in devil town, I met Chan there. We got along like smooth butter on a perfectly toasted bread. And even fell for each other. We then got connection to Seungmin, but he was that happy for Jisung..but he still joined. We saw him eating out at a fast food store at night, and we made a promise to not spit a single word to anyone. He then talked about you guys, and it intrigued me quite a lot. I then met you, and now Minho" Jeongin explained, his mind cloudy, feeling odd that all the pictures from months ago was so blurry. "We helped you, and we seem to get along nicely..we not be friends?".

"I knew there was a catch to it" Felix snickered. "I don't need anyone, Minhi is enough for me, and if he is happy with Jisung, he can have him from ourself..you shouldn't get too involved with us" Felix attacked, gritting his teeth.

Jeongin got genuinely surprised at the sudden mood change. Turning from calm and collected, to passive aggressive.

"There isn't a catch to it. I just welcomed you, I'm not demanding for your to be friends with us..but don't you guys need it? Being isolated that long..I'm not trying to get back at you, I don't want something from you. I just like to see the way the two of them are getting along nicely, so I just thought, why not become friends?" Jeongin replied calm and collected, thinking an explanation would be the rightest respond.

"I'm not the one to trust anyone yet".

"I know..it takes time..but both of you, are always welcomed here" Jeongin spoke.

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