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"Don't try to please people if they can't see the current worth in you".

Those words seemed to be sewing close to his brains, igniting it's place in his mind as he stared into the void.

They were right. He should live recklessly while he had the chance. He shouldn't let his parents treat him like toddler who is only successfull if he scores an A+ on all his test. He can't be perfect at everything right? So there is no point in trying to succeed something he really doesn't see the point in succeeding.

He wished he knew that before dedicating his whole precious time on that chemistry test, that got canceled last minute..

Also Chan's story was kind of sad. The way he told the younger how much he tried fitting in, leaving a good impression on everyone including himself. Not knowing his own worth. No one deserves to be ignored nor neglected in the first place.

When Chan stopped the car, Jisung was the first to jump out. Seemingly bored out of his mind and wanting to have some fun, instead of talking about deep stuff. Not that it didn't matter to Jisung, he had just heard it quite to many times, to show the same form of sympathy each and every single time.

"Do you live here?" Jeongin spoke, furrowing his brows together as he looked at at building Chan was parking at.

"Nope, this is where I poke people down with needles..it's quite therapeutic' Chan spoke with sarcasm lingering from his tone.

And boy did Jeongin find that funny he couldn't help but to laugh out, smiling at Chan who just got out of the car. Slowly followed by Jeongin who hurried over to the tattoo shop's closed doors. He was interested in seeing Chan's work space, or what he liked to call his bubble of imperfect perfections.

Chan opened the door welcoming the boys inside the nice warmth, leaving the cold night behind outside. Jeongin didn't let the warmth engulf him, he instead started to wander around the shop, looking at posters and what seemed like drawing of tattoos hanging on the wall, letting his eyes wander over the delicate and harsh lines of those specific drawings that caught his eyes.

"That's my stencil wall..I like to put the stencils that I've designed and tattooed on people, kind of like a memory of the costumers that I've had in the past" Chan spoke, patting the younger's back gently before sitting on the couch beneath the wall of stencils.

"What's a stencil?" Jeongin questioned. Causing both Chan and Jisung to look at Jeongin in disbelief.

"It's like a pre drawing of a tattoo you transfer onto the skin, and then you remove it..it creates a temporary tattoo from where it's place. It helps both the costumer and the tattoo artist to decide whether if it's the right place, and helps Chan for an example to to draw comfortably without worrying to much about messing up" Jisung spoke, letting Chan nod at his statement in approval as he looked at Jeongin with a smile.

Jeongin was intrigued. The designs were pretty, like so undeniably pretty. And the thought of Chan drawing this had him impressed by the new information of the latter.

His parents would often relate such stuff as tattoos and piercings as controversial doings and taboo. But now that Jeongin got a fine eye on it, he couldn't really see the big deal in why this was a bad thing.

"Temporary tattoo?" Jeongin again questioned, confused st that one specific word being mentioned.

"Unlike real tattoos. Temporary tattoos would disappear or fade after some time. There are different kinds of way making one. The most commonly used techniques are known to be just drawing in yourself with a marker or a bell pen..but some gets them done for cheap prices at tattoos shops, making the result last longer but will eventually fade and disappear in the future"  Chan explained, rolling his sleeve up to show his tattooed forearm.

"I started with Temporary tattoos till I felt comfortable making them permanently stay on my skin. It's much easier to get it done that way. Then you can also see the outcome of it, and uudge whether if this would be something you want to get done permanently" he continued, pointing at a big winged butterfly, decorated with details. "This was my first tattoo actually..I got it to symbolize the fact I was ae to spread my own wings and fly on my own".

Jeongin hesitantly touched the tattoo with his fingers. Trailing the lines and details of the tattoo, feeling how soft the skin felt, no bumps of curved line..everything was perfect about the tattoo.

"Didn't it hurt though?" He continued to ask, reattracting his fingers from the latter's skin, with shining eyes.

Jisung observed his bestfriend with a proud smile on his face, looking at how precious the boy was around the oldest of them. It made Jisung himself feel safe, knowing that Jeongin was calm and relaxed around Chan. A special moment he just needed to catch with the glimpse of a camera that he just happened to bring with him.

"This one didn't hurt badly. But it kind of depends on where you get you tattoo done on you're body. The more thinner skine there is, the more it'll hurt, your shoulders should hurt the least..since it is where both muscles, fat and layers of skin tissues are located. The ribs in my opinion, is the most painful" Chan explained pointing out various different pain ratings depending on the place you get your tattoo.

"Want one?" Chan smirked, looking at the shocked face of the younger who stood in disbelief.

Jisung seemed to choke on his own saliva too, kind of surprised by the statement that Chan just gave out.

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