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It was a school day. Yet Jeongin couldn't go. Not when his parents got angry at him this morning. It seemed as if his parents really turned their soft hearts away from him..only because of those two incidences. It purely hurt the younger, but he wasn't surprised. He did remember briefly that the only thing he had to do, was to be obedient, nice, and the sweet smily boy he once was.

But we all grow up don't we? We all learn that everything is not black and white. That not everything is right or wrong. That there is always, and will always be a reason behind everything. But not all reason are justifying, actually the most aren't. But we all change, and people that can't handle that..are truly the ones you should ignore.

It is just not as easy to ignore ones parents, the ones who raised you, gave you a life. Even though that those who might bring all of those things to you, they can easily take it away too. Especially if they got the power to do so.

And according to his parents..he was slowly becoming a train wreck, a monster, a bad influence on other people. It hurt to hear them talk about him in such ways. Especially when briefly just a few months ago, he was following their steps like a lost puppy, but instead of listening to what he has to do, he chose to ignore them..only because he wanted to live his own life, his own way of choosing his path. But they were preventing it.

They prevented him, from making even the slightest of moves that they could see and spot within seconds.


It wasn't scary, no..it was fucking terrifying.

It's has so far been a whole week since Minho and Felix settled down at Chan's place. The news of the missing brothers was heard like echoes through the neighborhood. Poster and newspaper written all over the town of Seoul. And it was starting to get annoying to look at Ms. And Mr.Lee's faces when they come over to get comfort and attention from their neighbors, how they lied with venomous words to seem completely innocent in their doings.

Everyone in the neighborhood knew how the brothers were treated, yet they all believed it was the right thing to do..and now they act surprised over the sudden news? It was honestly to funny to not laugh at.

But he still said nothing. He kept quiet, and kept his own dark lies about the situation. Giving the Lee's the attention they wanted, mainly to thrive them away from finding the boys.

Cause he knew where they were. He always knew to begin with.

Seungmin said it was funny finally watching the police interrogate this area for the first time, in like, forever. This place was painted family friendly and innocent. So seeing a police car, searching through the streets, was probably so humiliating for the neighborhood, that they made up stupid stories as to why the police would do that. Blaming that the one of the children has been involved with someone from the deviltown, blaming that person as a possible murderer.

They wanted to frame Jisung..so fucking disgusting, cause ain't no way that would happen.

Cause they weren't dead, nor held hostage. Ms. And Mr.Lee knew their children had taken a run from it. They probably couldn't care less about their kids, and more about their fame.

Fucking toxic.

"You see this is why no one get involved with the devil town, they'll do horrible stuff, or bring back influence upon our kids" Ms.Lee spoke, her voice so twisted that Jeongin wanted to puke.

"They might not be murdered though, or dead in any form of way..but to keep up your reputation, you need to paint this as a dead or murder..or else the public would twist their opinions about our neighborhood, we can't have that!" His mother spoke, munching on the small toasted bread in his hands. Giving her son a sharp look.

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