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The month that passed has been crazy. Felix and Minho, a week after the talk the two boys had together, the two brothers finally hit their first stroke when they called the police, talking to the chief of the police station nearest them, they explained their story about their previous abuse and past history including the neighborhood. At first they didn't get a response for the long time being, and eventually spoke about their story online which gained millions of peoples attention in just hours of it being uploaded on social media. And journalist was already hitting up their accounts begging them to be allowed to interview them, which Felix agreed too. That being the first situation happening the previous month leading up to the huge news report that the Lee Brothers where still alive and well where they lived, separately.

And surprisingly Jeongin himself, decided to open up to the news reporter hiding behind a mask, due to suspicion on hidden cameras. And so, he told his own story about his own home, and wished to be excluded as much as possible from the situation, stating it would take a toll on him if he were to show his face and name publicly again. Eventually, after the interview being put out on the newspapers, the news Channel surfaced the three boys stories, telling the whole about the situation, while people on social media demanded justice for the boy's that had to run for their lives.

It came to a shock to Jeongin's parents, who in the middle of the month, finally came out with a public appearance and statement, stating that their son was dead and not alive, and therefor wanted to take down the 'false' accusation completely. Though, if it haven't been for Felix publishing the fact he lived with that exact boy under the same roof and rules, his parents wouldn't have sat in a court room a week after their statement. Along with the family of the Lee's, seeing their two sons and their lawyers walk into the exact same room, telling the truth about their families and the neighborhood.

The past month of coming home exhausted from court, meetings with their lawyers, post on the social media's, and swarm of journalist that wanted more noise about the situation. Jeongin has done nothing but praise Felix, comfort him, hug him, and working from home.

All while having to take online classes for his education.

And so..a whole month later, one court away from getting the results for their hard work in exposing their parents. They got a call from their lawyer, stating that the percentages of winning over their parents, was high..really fucking high.

Nothing but joy was splashes over the 3 boys the days after that announcement. Nothing but happiness after feeling months of traumatic pain and confusion, nothing but pure hatred for their ruthless parents. After months of having to show graphic pictures, getting people like Seungmin and his family involved into the court..they finally got some news about how it was going.

And Jeongin has never felt happier knowing there was a high chance of his parents being jailed up and inheriting their money from all those years where they've nothing but neglect him and cause him pain and distress.

He was happy, he felt happy..he felt calm for once that didn't involve his apartment, that didn't involve his friends nor boyfriend (or well did), he felt at peace, knowing that he somehow managed to get his parents to a state of hopelessness, the same feeling he felt for such a long time, with the help of Felix and Minho, who spoke up for him.

Of course it was stressful to let the world know he wasn't dead, but very much alive and out there somewhere in this country, speaking anonymously upon what happened.

So watching the TV, replaying the court that Felix and Minho, along with the families of the neighborhood attended. Eating popcorns while chatting with Jungso, Chan, Jisung and Seungmin who was allowed to stay away from court after his first and last appearance in it. It felt nice..being around his true family, with true happiness, that he could drown himself in without feeling worried for once that it was going to fade away.

He hugged Seungmin tightly, shocking the boy slightly, but eventually hugged him back with a soft grin. Hugging Jisung and Jungso next in pure appreciation.

And finally he turned to Chan, the one his heart longed for so much. He kissed the man he fell for literally so hard he did everything to be with. He couldn't help but let the tear slide down his face as he wrapped his still small body around Chan's bigger frame, for once not getting annoying looks and and comments on them bring all lovey dovey.

"Thank you so much..it is finally the end of this mess that I longed for so long. I appreciate all of you so much" Jeongin smiled, his eyes glowing with fresh tears as he looked into Chan's.

"You could say that without literally only looking at Chan" Seungmin stated jokingly, earning a slap on the shoulder from Jisung.

"Shut up prick, let them have their moment..for once they look cute and not cringe".

We are nearing the end :'). And I have already another book in store..which I will be writing soon, I mentioned a few chapters ago that there was a little spoiler to the book in it. Have you noticed? Lol. If not here comes the initial plot for the book I'm writing. And a sneak peak on the cover♡.

The cover.

                          The cover

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Title: obsession.

Resumè: "they say a wolf catches it's prey with it's teeth".

"But you catched this one with an obsession".

Final introduction.

The ship will be SeungChanIn. Which includes Chan, Seungmin and Jeongin.
The plot is about about kidnapping.
And how it started with an unhealthy obsession.
This book is not for sensitive type of people.
Even if there will be fluff in there or not.
I recommend to be atleast 15 to read..
But I know some may read despite being younger, but I don't take responsibility for anything that could affect the readers.
The book is to focus on a realistic experience of kidnapping.
With a boy who falls inlove with his captures.
In no way is that kind of love okay, and is proven to have a medical history behind it.

The story will be gruesome. So therefor I will be warning you incase any readers from this book, will be reading my upcoming one.

Have a nice day♡.

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