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"I've never eaten a cheeseburger for breakfast..actually I've never eaten a burger before.." Jeongin spoke, looking around the big plate of food.

"Where's the knife and fork?" He questioned, looking at Chan in confusion.

"You eat with your hands...that is..common sense...how..nevermind I know why" Chan spoke, confused himself about the younger's inexperience in..well basically everything.

Jeongin sat a bit stiff, looking around the restaurant to see multiple people eat their own variations of fast food..was this really what people considered lazy breakfast? His version of lazy breakfast was to eat yogurt with fruits on top. Boring..but eh, life saving.

He picked up the small burger, the single beef patty with Cheese on top, seemed oddly delicious. But he couldn't really judge before tasting it. After all he have never tasted a burger before.

So with the older having anticipating eyes. Jeongin to his first ever bite of a cheeseburger..forgetting his parents possible anger towards him, in the soft flavors exploding in his mouth. He looked at Chan with big eyes, as if he was eating at a high class luxurious restaurant..when in reality It was legit just McDonald's, boring and cheap fast food..but for Jeongin it was a new experience.

"You've got some sauce on your cheeks" Chan chuckled, leaning forward as he grabbed a napkin, carefully wiping of the sauce in success. "Try the fries" Chan spoke, ushering the medium sized fries towards Jeongin, who picked them up..showing the whole thing in his mouth, letting yet the salty flavor melt on his tongue.

"Why have I've been gatekeeped from this?!" Jeongin spoke in other disappointment.

"Well..judging by the fact your parents are most likely health freaks..McDonald's is a no go for them, since it's not very..nutritious" Chan chuckled, poking another fry into Jeongin's mouth, watching him chew slowly.

Jeongin was in love with this food, but unfortunately felt full after a few more bites of the burger and fries..and the cola..God..he didn't know it could taste that great.

"Come let's go" Chan spoke, standing up from their seat as he picked up the plate filled with wrappings, and burger boxes. Eventually throwing the out in the trashcan beside them.

Jeongin jumped to his feet, feeling quite energized after the rare and unusual breakfast he was served today. He started walking towards Chan's car, until he saw a familiar face.

"Oh no" he spoke before opening the car door once it was unlocked by the older. Who had a confused glint on his face, turning to look at Jeonfin with a frown..shutting the door behind him.

"You know him?" Chan asked, looking at Jeongin with worried eyes.

"Well..kind off..he lives beside our house, his room is right over from my window..We've talked before in gatherings that the neighborhood pays for, to make the environment more close and friendly...My parents has always compared me to him, telling me, that my grades should be just like his, if not above. Or clothing wise too" Jeongin spoke, looking with a small amount of fear spread across his face.

If he got caught by the boy infront of their car, he would be dead meat. Luckily for them, Chan's car had black tinted windows, making it impossible to see them from where they were situated.

"You mean him? Really? Kim Seungmin?" Chan spoke out shocked.

"You know him?".

"I think we know to different versions of him..he comes to the place quite often, he also got a boyfriend, no one really knows about him other than people in our social group" Chan explained.

Jeongin was confused..wasn't  Seungmin a good, innocent kid..sure he didn't smile, nor speak to people at the gatherings..but he was always heard about..especially considering his almost unbelievably high scores on test and on exams..

"But..he never really speaks..I sometimes peak into his room..just to see if he was up to something..he usually only reads, or sit on his phone..nothing else..his quiet right?" Jeongin spoke, mind clouded with all the new things that started to make sense to him.

"Seungmin is a social bunny..what do you mean? Does he really hate socializing that much with old rich people? I mean I would be bored too..but look at him, his happy being with his friends" Chan pointed out, looking at the younger with a soft grin. "He goes to your school yeah?".

"Mhm, what about it" Jeonging asked, turning his head to look at Chan..

"You should become friends..Seungmin is really nice, talk to him..he needs friends he can relate too more fully" Chan spoke.

Why him though, why couldn't the Kim's and the Lee's get along? It was quite confusing but he didn't really wanna comment on it.

Yet he still did.

"Why me?!" Jeongin spoke, about to defend himself.

"You need more friends Innie..Seungmin is a ball of sunshine..take the chance on Monday, approach him and talk..a conversation can't hurt right?".

This was a bad chapter..I guess there should be space for some of that too in here..

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