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It's been about a week now. Jeongin had settled down in the boring hospital room, with frequent visiting from Chan, Jisung, Seungmin and even Jungso. None of his parents showed up, leaving him sort of sad but relieved at the same time. The cast around his leg prevented him from walking freely and happily around like he used too. Leaving a lot of adrenaline inside of his body, that he has yet to find a way to get rid off.

Jungso explained in direct details what he told his parents. He further explained how he was called up by the younger in panic and rush, and how he threatened his parents to tell the media if they did not atleast pay off the debt from the hospital.

"Darling..are you ready?" He heard a soft voice from behind him, turning his head to look at Chan standing behind his wheelchair with a smile.

"Yeah..I think I've got everything I needed" Jeongin spoke, anxious to be going home to the very place that caused all of that trouble.

And face the people that were supposed to care for him.

Jungso smiled as he came up behind Jeongin, and started pushing the wheelchair out of the room, walking down the long, white and hollow halls, with the younger sitting quite uncomfortably in the wheelchair.

Chan couldn't drive with them home. He had not only his own business to take care of, but Minho and Felix too. And he definitely couldn't risk the fact of being caught by the younger's parents, or even spotted near the younger.

Jeongin sighed heavily. He kissed Chan goodbye when they reached the car, wanting to hold onto the older much more tightly. But that was better said than done.

"Alright! There you go buddy" Jungso groaned softly, from having to lift the younger into the car from the wheelchair below. It wasn't because Jeongin was heavy. No, they were all just tired.

"Drive slowly please" was the last thing Jeongin uttered out to the older, who gave an apologetic nod to the younger. Knowing the fear arising within the boy's pure veins.

Or, pure was just a way of describing him being the victim.

He wasn't quite pure any longer.

And they all knew that.

Once Jungso settled into the car, he started the engine, driving slowly and carefully out of the parking garage, located beneath the ginormous hospital.

There was quite the silence. Jeongin was stuck in his own head..trying to figure out a way to possibly get out of the situation safely, but he could only see the worst possible scenarios happening to him once he arrived home. Jungso? Well he knew. He could see the discomfort on the young boy's face, the heavy frown and pouted mouth. Almost like a child trying to figure out was 2+2 was.

But 4 wasn't always the easiest answer right in front of him. He needed to take either a short cut, or long way to learn those terms. And if 2+2 was his life..he'd ready take it long and steady. Regretting his impulsive acts. He just didn't know anymore.

"Your parents wants to keep you home-schooled for awhile..due to your injury. And the argument. They do not want you to go to school looking like this.." Jungso spoke, looking in the review mirror to see the younger tear up, in the far back of the car.

"Is it that bad?" Jeongin spoke, knowing damn well he did not have any form of courage to look at his own reflection once.

His leg was heartbreaking enough to keep glancing at. He didn't wanna see his face, or the rest of his body. He felt insecure.

"Your forehead is stitched innie..you have a big purplish bruise around your eyes, your lip is busted open and your leg is broken..I..I honestly can see why your parents don't want the public to see you like this..even though I don't agree with them" Jungso explained, looking at Jeongin's bandaged head with a sigh.

"I don't wanna go back.." Jeongin whimpered at the thought of his own parents..

Why did this settle so deep inside of him?

"Jeongin..you have a small brain damage, it won't heal if not rested properly..I promise to be staying close to you, I will be in the house monitoring your studies..since I'm the only one that knows what happens..or well atleast they think so" Jungso spoke, the frown upon Jeongin's face growing firmer and more prominent after the statement.

"What about you and your wife?".

"She was the one who came to the interpretation that I had to stay by your side during this time..maybe you'd like to meet her someday" Jungso smiled, looking at Jeongin who gave a tired and exhausted nod. "Go to bed buddy, you seem to tired..just fall asleep" Jungso sighed. Letting the younger drift away in the car.

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