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"This shall do" Chan spoke, finalizing the last piece needed for the couch to be finished completely. Jeongin, who seated on the floor with the instructions on his lap, trying to help with as much effort as he was allowed too.

Chan was very strict when it came to the younger's health. He wouldn't let the younger move to much around in fear of him possibly hurting himself further. So therefor, Chan only allowed the younger to help through reading out instructions, and potentially handing him the tools and screws he needed, sometimes even directing the older where and how to screw the bulls and screws that Chan sometimes would struggle with.

As the couch was finished, a pushed back to the position Jeongin wanted. Chan moved the smaller box, containing a soft, minimalistic looking table, inside of it. Actually Jeongin had finished buying and bringing in most of the necessary packages, or furnitures to be exact. So all he needed to do, was set them up or simply build them. He mainly thought of decorating later, since he meant that decorations always added a perfect touch to everything.

So having everything under control was something Jeongin liked. Which was also of course one of his main goals, to have control over his doings and not potentially slip up again..knowing how bad it'll end if he lost control of his everyday life basis. He had found out, that he is easy to break down once things comes out disordered, or unorganized. So to prevent that, he found himself working his hardest not to let that happen.

"Shouldn't we take a break Chan? We've already fixed the couch, sat up the TV, build the bed and the many drawers..we only have a few things left, and we also have quite the time to assemble everything" Jeongin spoke, looking at Chan with a soft smile, knowing that the hardworking male needed a big break.

"Fine..but I'll get back to this one soon..I just want you to not worry about the assembling of all of this" Chan pouted, situating the open box to stand against the fixed couch. Standing up and pulling the younger with him.

"Hm..take a longer break, please? Shouldn't we go for a walk, or perhaps go to the place? I've only been there once..I wonder what people are up to there" Jeongin smiled, embracing his hardworking boyfriend and kissing his collarbones gently.

Chan sighed with a nod, grabbing his car keys that he left on the kitchen counters and placed them in his pockets.

"Alright, fresh air sounds amazing right now" Chan finally agreed fully, knowing what was best for both their health at the moment.

Jeongin wasn't complaining though. He loved spending the whole night after hospitalization, helping Chan build furnitures and chatting front and back. No he didn't care if he didn't have clothes, no he couldn't care less if some shocking news came out since the Kim family now know about the events happening. Every single plan he made seemed to somehow become a mess. He was supposed to move out pretty soon anyways, with all his stuff packed. But the only things he had laying around the apartment, was his keys, furniture and the important documents he had moved there previously to hide from his father. He didn't have a laptop, he didn't have a phone, he couldn't contact anyone. But he didn't mind that, he didn't need contact from his parents. He could though, potentially, text Seungmin over Chan's phone asking him to come over, or go get him at his house. But of course he wanted Chan's permission first.

"Chan..could you possibly go get Seungmin on the way? I know it sounds stupid, but I need to see him" Jeongin spoke, as they left the apartment, locking the front door as they walked down the hallway.

"Is it a good idea to go back to that neighborhood? I don't know..I heard Seungmin's parents are aware of what happened..but do you think there's a chance they let the boy go?" Chan asked. "Especially because they don't know who I am at all" Chan commented further, holding the boy's hand in his as they got outside in the cold winter.

"I'm positive Chan..we have to get contact to Seungmin, I have nothing on me to do it myself..so please?" Jeongin insisted, smiling at the older who nodded softly.

"Alright I'll text him, saying we're going to pick him up" Chan sighed, pulling out his phone as they walked to his car, parked barely a meter away from them.

"Thank you..".

Thanks for 5k♡.

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