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The sound of the buzzing machine could be heard through the quite quiet room. The sound of hisses and small whines made its appearance as well. But notheless is was quiet.

Jeongin sat by the desk, fiddling with small sheets of papers as he colored, colorful patches and designs onto it. Chan was busy tattooing a client.

Today he was supposed to be at school. Only three weeks left till hid parents retrieved home, and he was slowly counting down the days to their possible appearance. What he didn't like though, was that he couldn't be careless about going out with his friends, or having them over whilst they could be loud and noisy. The thought stressed him out, but he knew he could live with it..finding peace ib the small bubble of friends he had to hold close.

Though, he felt as if he needed to seek comfort in something..and that something right now, happened to be Chan. Who willingly accepted the boy to come cuddle or nuzzle close to him..Chan figured it must be comforting to have someone around him that could keep up with the amount of feeling, that he have happened to bottle up within up.

And he was right.

"Hey Innie" Chan called, watching as the boy turned his head to look at the older, who gave a subtle smile to him. "The client is done and gone, and I'm on break, wanna just chill here..or should we go somewhere?" Chan announced, leaving the boy to think for a second.

He looked outside, to see the gloomy town of the devils. Dark skies covering the light from above, hinting it would start raining soon.

"Can't we stay inside? I think it might start raining.." Jeongin spoke, nodding his head towards the window.

Chan nodded as he saw the dark sky, lifting the boy up from the seat. Before continuing to settle down with the younger, now on his lap.

The man's eyes fell to the sweet cute drawing the younger had made, a smile now decorating his lips as if he didn't want to stop smiling.

"Wanna hang the drawing on the wall?" Chan spoke, hinting towards the colorful strawberry drawing and the pretty sunset drawing that laid upon the desk.

"But isn't that your wall? For the stencils?" Jeongin asked, looking towards the wall filled with numerous different designs and stencils..they were perfect in line and detail..whilst his drawing had crooked lines and not as defined details.

"And? Since it's my wall, I might aswell decide who should be able to decorate it" Chan spoke, patting the younger's tummy hinting his should stand up which he did.

As the boy stood up, Chan handed him the two paper drawings, letting the boy sprint towards the walls of stencils in light excitement. Chan couldn't help but to snatch a small photo of the younger sticking his drawings to the wall..feeling like a proud father.

In the meanwhile, Jeongin got a fun idea, turning around as he walked back to Chan in happiness, that happened to decorate his face just perfectly.

"Can I color your tattoos?" Jeongin asked, with big doe eyes, showing how much he wanted to paint the older man's tattoos.

"What? Why?" Chan chuckled, rolling up his hoodies sleeves, in confirmation that Jeongin was allowed near his skin.

"Because..uhm..because.." Jeongin visibly gulped at the man's movements beforehand, mentally slapping himself for staring so mesmerized at Chan's veiny arms.

How did he even trust himself with needles on that arm? Was all Jeongin could think of, his mind blown for a second as he forced himself to look away.

"Just come, you know I don't bite" Chan chuckled, pulling the younger boy to sit in his embrace again. Pulling out a red marker.

As he slowly painted the different kinds and sizes of tattoos on the man's body. He couldn't quite ignore the heat that went to his cheeks, as he touched and looked at the man's arms.

Was he really falling for somebody's arms? Or was he seriously sick and need medical help?

Well Jeongin though both. Surpassing a heavy breath he felt like letting out, as he finally finished the first tattoo.

Let's just say that, Jeongin was feeling a Rollercoaster of emotions within him..and he only first now realized how real everything really was.

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