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Upon arriving at their destination, Jeongin looked at the rundown apartment building with an irritated look on his face. He wasn't mad about having to talk to Felix, he just felt anti social at the moment. He felt much more relieved pushing around heavy cardboard boxers, and being on the go, without a single stop sign preventing him from doing what he wanted. But stepping into the car with Jungso and talking the whole way had made his social battery run low, to the point he considered falling asleep many times, to regain some energy.

But currently, sleeping was no choice. Especially not when he was about to talk to a stubborn and indenial person.

He looked up at the apartment, it looked so much worse than Chan's apartment complex. He figured Chan had gotten lucky with the apartment choices he had, but less to say and more to do. He stepped out of the car and was invited by a freezing cold breeze in hid face. Of course he forgot it was winter, all those months spend on just sitting around his room and doing things he wasn't supposed to do..simply made him lack a sense of time. So wearing a t-shirt and shorts, wasn't the most appropriate thing to wear in the middle of winter.

But nonetheless to say, he opened the door to the building. Stepping inside the dark and eerie apartment building, as he took the stairs uo since that was his only option. He knew Jisung lived at the top floor..he couldn't say Jisung wasn't lucky with his apartment neither, but if this was considered the best they could get..then he didn't want to imagine the worst. When he reached the top, he was welcomed by two bigger doors. Unlike the previous doors to the apartment, this was a double door, scratches and paint patches were clearly noticeable, and so was the broken corner of the door at the far right top corner.

He sighed heavily as he knocked on the door, waiting to be invited inside so he didn't need to stand in the freezing cold staircase for much longer..despite the apartment not being the most warm area of the house, he would still prefer to be in there, than out here.

"Jeongin..long time no see" Jisung opened the door, engulfing the boy with a hug. Jisung's warm body temperature helped him heat a bit up, which also made him quot hesitant to pull away from the nice warm and comforting hug, he was given.

"I missed you.." he whispered, only for his bestfriend to hear as he sank further into his arms.

He missed Jisung 24/7, he was always a bright boy with lots of energy. And him being his bestfriend, just made him feel ecstatic, whenever he was around. So drowning in his bestfriend's warm hugs, didn't seem like much of a problem at the moment..other than the fact, that he had other things to take care off.

Aka being flipped off by Felix.

"I missed you too..are you sure you wanna do this? Felix is upset that you are coming over..but Minho told him to get his shit together" Jisung announced, letting the boy inside the house, that was surprisingly a bit more warmer than outside.

Which was a huge stress relief for the younger, who immediately grabbed a singular blanket and wrapped it around his body.

"Hm..he's a strange kid" Jeongin replied with a frown, letting Jisung lead the way through his apartment towards the bedroom Felix supposedly was in.

"It's not his fault though..he might find it difficult relying on someone" Jisung spoke, knocking on the door. "Felix! It's me Jisung, I managed to buy glass noodles for you" Jisung lied, hoping the boy would let him in eventually preparing to push the youngest amongst them, inside the bedroom. "You ready?" He whispered to Jeongin, once he heard footsteps approach the door.

Once the door flew open, revealing a messy haired Felix, who's eyes immediately met Jeongin's. Before he was pushed into the dark, colder room, with the door closing behind him.

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