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"Oh Jeongin-" Jisung spoke as he watched the younger crawl into his arms, head resting between his shoulder and neck as he let out small sobs. "What happened? Are you okay?" Jisung asked as he guided the younger into his apartment, pulling him towards the couch as he sat with his face now burrowed in his knees.

"Nothing much..just felt extra emotional today..y-you know, emptying my bottle a bit" he chuckled as he wiped his tears, making Jisung nod in understandment.

Jeongin wasn't the biggest crier, but there are periods where he tend to feel more teary than other days. And today, things just hit extra hard. Like he cried over not being able to lock his door properly, he cried in the shower, he cried when getting dress, when eating breakfast. Today was just a gloomy day, so he allowed himself to feel sad, mainly to let out emotions his been keeping up inside. And he believed the best comfort could be his one and only bestfriend. He had thought a lot about Felix and Minho too, more about Felix, since he has been thinking about offering a deal to live with him. Mainly to get him away from the two lovebirds,  not that he wasn't in a form of relationship himself. But he didn't live with Chan, and believed if he wanted some quality time with him, he could simply just visit him. He wanted to give Felix a peaceful place to live, somewhere a bit more quiet. Away from devil town, and away from the nobles.

"Ah okay, you can watch whatever you'd like on the TV, Minho is sleeping..and Felix should be in his room, he doesn't really come out that often so, don't expect to see him" Jisung spoke with a small sigh at the end..knowing that there wasn't progress with Felix. "I feel bad for him.." Jisung mumbled about to leave for the kitchen when Jeongin spoke.

"I do too..that's why I mainly also popped up. When I was walking I thought about something I wanted to discuss about.." Jeongin smiled softly, knowing he could possibly get Felix back up on his legs..but he of course had his rules for not only Felix but himself too.

"Yeah?" Jisung asked, intrigued in what the younger had to finally say. So he sat down beside him again, and motioned for him to start talking.

Jeongin sighed, having to gather the right words. Also not to cry, since he still felt overly emotional today.

"I uhm..thought about taking Felix with me to my apartment" he explained, seeing the twisted look in Jisung's face for a moment.

"Uhm..I don't know, like if Felix want too? Then I guess sure..but is it a good idea to separate them?" Felix asked, mentioning the brothers, that made Jeongin nod immediately.

"He is not getting progress here Jisung, he isn't anywhere. If he doesn't get progress with me neither we have to find another solution. I don't think it's a good idea to let both Felix and Minho stay in one apartment together anymore..they clearly don't have the bond we thought they had, and I know Felix is lonely knowing you and Minho have a thing with each other..I wanna give Felix an opportunity..to get some form of different kind of responsibility, other than being trapped in a bedroom all alone, knowing there is two other that lives here who could be cuddling up and watching movies together, when he is probably crying in there" Jeongin exclaimed, looking at Jisung dead serious in the the eyes.

It was a risk to take in the older boy, but he did see potential in him. And he was willing to take punches to encourage the boy..but he also knew he had boundaries. He believed that Felix shouldn't live rent free under anyone's house anymore, he needed the motivation and time to spend in his life, instead of crying in a room and letting his emotions overwhelm him. Therefor, he wanted Felix to get a new chance, where he had to do something for it, and not just countlessly receiving it.

"You know where his room is" Jisung spoke. "I'll give you space" he finished off, walking into the shared bedroom he had with Minho, before closing the door, leaving the younger alone in the living room of his bestfriends apartment.

He pulled himself together and stood up on his feet, strolling slowly towards Felix's door. Before knocking on the door gently, not wanting to startle the boy inside.

"Go away!" He heard from inside making him sigh and turn the doorknob, pushing the door open. "I said go away, what do you want" Felix spoke with a pissed tone, without even turning around.

The air was heavy inside the room. It really needed to get some form of ventilation in there so he let the door stay open as he walked towards the blinds a opened them, earning a small yelp from the boy who hid beneath his blanket.

"Whoever you are. Just leave and put the blinds back together and close the door!" He yelled again, wanting to be genuinely left alone.

"Atleast here me out" Jeongin spoke, making his way towards the bed as he sat on it, pushing trash and dirty clothes down to the floor, where more trash and dirty clothes lingered. He knew the older felt like trash, and he felt bad for him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked rather calmly this time, looking at the younger male on his bed with a frown.

His hair was messy and greasy, he stank a bit. But Jeongin couldn't blame him..it must have been difficult laying around in that bedroom having no motivation to live, whatsoever.

"Go easy on me please? I'm having an emotional day today, so no yelling" he requested, making Felix sit up with a careful nod. "I have a choice for you..something that could potentially help you get back to a proper routine" Jeongin started, looking at the younger with concern.

Felix beamed at that sentence. Jeongin assumed he would be happy to hear what he had in store for him, but also kind of stress.

"But it's not for free, and he holds requirements" He continued, letting the frown come back to the older boy's face. Who now seemed a bit disinterested in what the younger had to say.

But he still seemed to be listening, and so he spoke. "What is it?" He spoke, without another word, so Jeongin took it as a sign to keep going.

"I'm giving you an opportunity to move out of this apartment, only if you are willing to take the task that it requires doing so" he spoke, moving to sit beside the older despite him smelling like shit.

"You? Doing that for me? When I legit lashed out on you? Slutshamed you? Talked you down? Do you really want to help a person like me?" Felix scoffed, but Jeongin just stared at him full on serious.

"Yes. What happened that day is nothing to worry about. I'm more interested in giving you a proper chance..but it requires a few things" Jeongin explained with a soft tone, knowing he couldn't completely blame Felix for the lash out even though it really hurt to be called all of that.

"And what do I need to do?" He asked without hesitation. Letting the younger know that he was interested. Which made him smile.

Jeongin pulled out his phone from his pocket, knowing he did have quite a lot of requirements. But he believed keeping the boy active was important. No not until he was driven tired..but to give him something to do other than lay in trash filled bed with no shower for what smelled like 2 weeks.

"1: move in with me-".

"Why?" He interrupted, exclaiming a bit loudly.

"Cause there is in no way I'm letting you live by yourself if this is how you live in someone's else's apartment with no responsibility whatsoever" Jeongin stated, as he scrolled further down for the next rule. "2: get a job, pay half rent...3: seek for therapy..4: clean your own room atleast once weekly, 5: and ventilate it daily. 6: Shower maximum every second day. 7: be in charge of your own groceries. 8: do your own laundry" he explained, giving his phone to Felix for the rest of the information.

"So..if I do all of that you'd let me stay with you? It will be my home too? Not just somewhere I live?" Felix asked confused.

"Mhm, If you fulfill the stuff I told you about. You can stay there, like it's your own house. Of course we both pay for the things we break, we're going to split the bill, and I won't be carrying Chan around for dates at my apartment unless you aren't home" Jeongin spoke. "Is it a deal?".

There was a short silence for a moment, and Jeongin just allowed the older to think it through. He knew it could only be fair. He wouldn't let him live in these conditions much longer anyways. It wasn't beneficial for his mental health  nor his physical health.


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