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A silly person, dare to design his big master to marry the remnant king, and see how he destroys their poisonous schemes, but...on the wedding night, he has become The one who threw   him down,is mao?

    It's very simple, beauty tricks. Although the remnant king is disabled, he is as beautiful as an immortal. He is not a saint. He is just a very wretched otaku traverser. The beauty is current. I am sorry if I don't eat! silly person, dare to design his big master to marry the remnant king, and see how he destroys their poisonous schemes, but...on the wedding night, he has become The one who threw  him down, is Mao?


    Feng Xingtian, the remnant king of the famous Canglan Continent, mysterious and powerful, but was designed by his father and brother together, and had to marry the wasteful daughter of the prime minister’s family as his wife. On the wedding night, the bride who was supposed to be a woman became a man, A very lustful and lovely man, so glamorous and proactively pounced, is it a pity not to eat?

    Keywords of Potian Xie Zun: Po Tian Xie Zun, Yan Ruo elegant, Xie Wuya, Feng Xing Tian, ​​1v1, Chong Du, Shuang Wen

    ================== =====================

    Literacy--Part of this article's occupational grade division grade division:

    Summoning Book: Bronze Summoning Book (Summons a Familiar), Silver Summoning Book ( Two Familiars), Golden Summoning Book (four Familiars), Holy Diamond Summoning Book (existence in the legend, no one has seen it, Almighty Summoning Book) [Each type of summoning book is divided into wind, fire, thunder and ice, etc. Attributes]

    Summoner: Beginner-Intermediate-Advanced-Scholar-General-King-Emperor-Holy-God-Supreme (Each level is divided into three levels, Rely on the strength of mental power)

    Swordsman: Beginner-Intermediate-Advanced-Scholar-General-King-Emperor-Saint-God-Supreme (Each level is divided into three levels, the upper middle and lower levels, the cultivation strength Chi)

    Archer: Beginner-Intermediate-Advanced-Scholar-General-King-Emperor-Holy-God-Supreme (Each level is divided into three levels, Cultivating energy)

    Alchemist: Elementary-Intermediate-Advanced-Holy-God (each level is divided into three levels) Summoned Beasts: Divided into two types, Summoned Beasts and Spirit Summoned Beasts, Summoned Beasts cannot be summoned casually Depends on chance, the life of the Summoned Beast is connected with the life of the Summoner. It is both prosperous and all damaged. The Spirit Summoned Beast can be summoned as long as it can summon the summoning book. It is an equal spiritual contract with the summoner itself, whether it is injured or not. The summoner is okay, the general spirit summoner does not upgrade.

    Warcraft: Elementary-Intermediate-Advanced-Scholar-General-King-Emperor-Holy-God-Supreme (Each level is divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower, and summoned beasts The difference is that one is native and the other comes from the summoning space. The former is difficult to tame and difficult to control. The latter basically forms an equal summoning contract with the summoner as long as the summoning book is not destroyed. The summoner does not harm them. The self-esteem, the summoned beast will do anything for the summoner.)

    [Volume One: Worldly Edge]

    Wedge In the world of decadent homosexuality, all true love is bullshit, and only pleasure and passion are king.

    Xie Wuya, born GAY, has seen the cruelty of the same-sex world very early. After graduating from university, despite family member's dissuasion, he resolutely packed up and left his hometown, living alone in a small city in the north. Two hundred days out of three hundred and sixty-five days in the year, I stayed at home wretchedly. I went to the Internet and looked at GV. When I was hungry and panicked, I went to GAY to play wild food. Life is still free, but it is decadent.

    In the middle of the night, everything is silent, Yueniang shyly hides into the clouds, and there is almost no star in the vast sky. The pollution of developed cities has made people bid farewell to the clear starry sky forever. In a rented room of more than ten square meters, there is a fiber The thin man stared closely at the computer screen, his eyes shining brightly. On the screen, a tall European and American man was pressing on a petite white oriental man. As for what they were doing, imagine for yourself.

    "That's okay?"

    As the two naked people on the screen kept changing their positions, Xie Wuya, who was sitting in the chair, opened his mouth wide, and the corners of his lips were faintly lit with suspicious light, which was so trivial and sensual.


    "Dead gay, you fucking keep your voice down, so you don't let people sleep?"

    The wooden wall with basically no soundproofing effect resounded loudly, followed by the man's brutal curse. Xie Wuya frowned, not only did not turn off the computer, but instead stood up and walked to the wall, kicked up with his foot.

    "Call a woolen thread, what about labor and capital being a dead gay? Show me if you have the ability to become gay, and then disturb the uncle Yaxing, uncle, I used to rape you!"

    With his hands on his hips, Xie Wuya was arrogant and shameless, the man next door was obviously scared back by him, and there was no answer for a long time. He really responded to the sentence that the water is clear, there is no fish, and the man is invincible, the shameless of the evil uncle , That is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

    "Huh, it's almost the same!"


    Just as he curled his lips to continue watching GV, a loud noise came from the window, Xie Wuya felt that his cautious liver couldn't help but tremble, and took a few deep breaths. Courageously walked over.

    "Hey, are you a fucking man or a ghost? Why did you come to my house?" The  glass window was broken, and a man in a black suit lay motionless under the window. Xie Wuya stretched out his foot and kicked him. There was a little trembling in the body, but it passed for a long time. Except for the passionate moan from the computer, there was no response. Xie Wuya couldn't help being a little scared, and slowly squatted down.

    "Huh... Damn, it's heavy, you should lose weight." It took a lot of strength to turn the man over. Xie Wuya leaned back out of breath after making sure that the man was still breathing.

    "What's this?"

    Seeing the man clinging to a small black baggage even if he passed out, Xie Wuya couldn't help but stretched out his hand curiously, but the man held it so tightly that he was erves. Someone fights out and fights with the black-clothed man desperately. When the two stop, Xie Wuya's chest is pouring out of blood.

    Isn't it?

    He reacted slowly and lowered his head, Xie Wuya's eyes widened. Damn, he wasn't so unlucky, right? Hang up like this?

    "This is..."

    Even if there is more perseverance and unwillingness, Xie Wuya still can't resist the fate's arrangement, holding the purple lotus and leaning aside. In the middle of the night, the gunshots have obviously alarmed the surrounding residents, and the men did not. At the time of surprise, just about to snatch Zilian over, something strange happened.

    After Zilian absorbed Xie Wuya's blood, it actually bloomed, emitting a coquettish purple light, and the layers of purple aperture slowly expanded, gradually wrapping Xie Wuya's corpse in until...both disappeared!

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