chapter 58

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     "Ha ha…"

Suddenly, Feng Xingtian smiled softly, his eyes slowly opened, the coldness in his eyes had disappeared, and he was so beautiful that his smile was even more unreal, and many people were dumbfounded because of this.  , God's smile is just like that, right?

"Lightning, go below to see if there is an enchantment."

With a flash of golden light, a small and cute black fur ball suddenly appeared in everyone's sight. Feng Xingtian's slender finger pointed, and the black fur ball burrowed into the water with a brush.

"I'm not dazzled, right? Is that the summoned beast that is best at creating barrier?"

"Isn't it that no one can summon it?"

"I must be dazzled, must be..."

"Damn, what kind of beasts does the King of War have?"


Liansheng, a kind of monster that is only the size of a fist and covered with soft thorns. It has no combat power. It is born to be a master at forming and breaking barriers. According to legend, they were not monsters at first.  Book, when the supreme of the good formation enchantment ascended, he integrated a drop of his blood and a hair into the summoning book, and this was the birth of continuous life. Strictly speaking, which supreme soul fragment should he be?  , so although there are records of him in ancient books, no one has really summoned him, which is the fundamental reason why people are so shocked.

"Brother Xingtian, is Brother Wuya really not dead?"

Lan Ting, who quietly leaned over after hearing the analysis of the evil aspect, asked in a low voice, her eyes were full of Xiyi.

"Huh? We'll know the answer soon."

Maybe it was Aiwu Jiwu, Feng Xingtian fondly rubbed her hair, waiting for the answer with bated breath.


A few moments later, a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the water, heading straight for Feng Xingtian, and it was suspended in front of his eyes wet.

[Master, there is indeed an enchantment at the bottom of the pool, but the power of the person who set up the enchantment is too strong, and the lightning can't untie it. According to my inference, the enchantment should be an ancient beast or a fierce beast, but don't worry, my lord, although I can't  Breaking the barrier, but smelling the breath of the princess merged into the barrier, presumably the princess encountered a great opportunity and concluded a life contract with the beast who arranged the barrier. Don't worry too much, master, the princess will be fine.  】The summoned beast and the summoner communicated with each other through spiritual power. From Lightning's mouth, Feng Xingtian got the message he wanted, and a manic heart finally settled down.  Opportunity, he should be integrating the contract now, right?

     "Let's go back!"

With a big wave of his hand, the lightning disappeared instantly, Feng Xingtian turned around and faced the thousands of iron-clad knights below, his command mixed with strong energy was unquestionable.


It was just one word, and the taste changed completely when he said it from his mouth. The powerful king's aura enveloped him, overshadowing the real emperor next to him.


The roar shook the sky, and in the next second, the dark crowd disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared before. They were well trained and unmatched. No wonder they were able to shake the Canglan Continent and make Fenghuang so taboo.

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