Chapter 116 The game that hurts (2)

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    Inside the courtyard pavilion, Feng Xingtian looked at his lover and friends who were making a commotion not far away with a smile on his face, Xi Changfeng clenched his fists and opened his mouth countless times, but not a word came out. He was in a high position all the year round. His heart is naturally superior to others, and now he has something to ask for, even if the other party is his cousin, he still can't let it go.

    "Haha... They seem to be having a good time."

    Feng Xingtian glanced at him lightly and sat down gracefully. Xi Changfeng was not in a hurry, and he was even less in a hurry.

    "Well, there will never be a lack of happiness in a place without boundaries."

    Nodding unnaturally, Xi Changfeng sat down nervously while agreeing with him. How should he speak? Straightforward or subtle?

    "Indeed, Wu Ya can always bring us happiness."

    Don't you say it? Feng Xingtian's eyes quickly flashed an evil spirit, what should he do, he kind of wanted to play with Wuya and the others in the past.

    "Well...that...Xingtian, no, cousin, I...damn, the labor and management will just say it straight, Xingtian, I don't know why my cultivation has been stuck at the peak of the king level, obviously the energy in the body is very abundant, every time I feel that I can make a breakthrough, but I always stop at the most critical time, why is this?"

    After stammering for a while, Xi Changfeng let out an unbearable low curse, and most of his body crossed the stone table in the middle. It is to ask his doubts.

    "Haha... You finally asked, it's a little earlier than this king estimated, Chang Feng, your patience has deteriorated."

    Withdrew his gaze to meet his anxiously looking forward tiger eyes, Feng Xingtian said clearly, There are not many things that make the manly Xi Changfeng become a woman. After thinking about it, it is different. One is the problem of cultivation, after all, he has been stuck at the king level for almost a year, and the other is the problem of love. Before it was time to ask others for help, the conclusion was that Feng Xingtian had already guessed why he was looking for him, but he just pretended not to know, forcing him to say it himself, well, there is enough black belly.

    "Uh... Did you already know?"

    Hearing this, Xi Changfeng's forehead went black. Damn, he won't be abused again, right?

    "Hmm, I guess I guessed it."

    The dispensable snorted, Feng Xingtian laughed at an evil spirit, someone who was almost out of anger flipped the table, grandma's legs, he knew his entanglement, but Pretending to know nothing, isn't this playing with him?

    "So, what's going on?"

    At this point, don't expect Xi Changfeng to have a good tone, a rough and handsome face full of black lines, if Nima hadn't made too much progress in Xie Wuya Divine speed, maybe one day he will surpass him, and he will not look for this damn soul.

    No one knows how much pressure Xie Wuya's rapid growth brings to Changfeng. He is Xie Wuya's partner. Although it was not voluntary at first, it is an established fact. If one day Xie Wuya's strength far exceeds him, why should he fight alongside him? That's why he wanted to break through so anxiously, not wanting to be as perverted as someone else, at least he had to be qualified to stand beside him.  

    "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, Wu Ya is not a person who makes friends based on cultivation, even if you are just a low-level person today, as long as he accepts you, he will treat you with all his heart and heart. You have been together for so long , don't you even see through this?"  

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