Chapter 115 The game that hurts (1)

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    Feng Xingtian broke through the bottleneck of the emperor level and entered the holy level and came back. Xie Wuya logically forgot about going to the Xie family. He happily held a banquet in the yard where they lived. All the friends were present. , One by one, they took off their usual disguise, and those who were sick with snake spirits lost all their morals, and they played together without limit.

    "Cousin, you are so fucking lucky to be able to marry such a princess as Wu Ya, hiccup... cousin, I have all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

    " It should have been almost drunk. He clearly disliked Xie Wuya at ordinary times, but now he actually came to tell the truth after drinking.

    "Then go ahead with envy, jealousy and hatred. There is only one evil in this world, and he is destined to be the princess of this king forever."

    Knowing that he had no scheming, Feng Xingtian didn't take his words to heart. On, but... It seems that I'm too sorry for his naked 'confession' if I don't teach him a lesson, right?



    Yuchi Haoran's forehead was instantly covered with gorgeous black lines, and everyone laughed exaggeratedly. You deserve it, follow Feng Xingtian and make a fool of yourself, this is not a living search. Abuse?

    "Xingtian, I have something I want to ask for advice alone."

    Xi Changfeng, who never joined the frenzy, looked at Feng Xingtian with a serious face. This matter has been bothering him for a long time. No matter if this is the right time, he can't wait any longer. down.


    Feng Xingtian raised his eyebrows, when did Lord Xi become so polite?

    "Go, I'll play a game with them."

    Probably guessing what Xi Changfeng was going to ask, Xie Wuya, who was sitting beside him, leaned over to kiss his cheek, with a calculated look in his eyes. Xiang Si Yunan and the others, hehe... I haven't played for a long time, I wonder how many rounds they can play?

    "Well, I'll be back soon."

    Nodding, Feng Xingtian let go of his arms around his waist, got up and left the hall with Xi Changfeng.

    "What's wrong with Changfeng? I see that he seems to be very preoccupied recently."

    Looking at the backs of the two, Di Zijian asked suspiciously, and his eyes inevitably glanced at Si Yunan next to him. question, right?

    "Hehe... Leave them alone, come, let's play games."

    With an unfathomable smile on his face, Xie Wuya stood up and moved the dinner plate in the middle of the table to the outside, and took out a homemade compass and placed it on it. , there is always a weird and pitiful smile on the corner of his mouth, hehe...

    "What game is this?"

    Looking at the compass in the middle of the table strangely, Si Yunan asked stupidly, and the others also had the same hanging on their foreheads. My doubts, why is Xie Wuya's actions so weird every time?

    "Hey... This game is very simple, Truth or Dare, and later when the game starts I will turn the pointer, and when the pointer points to someone, whoever has to choose Truth or Dare, and then others can ask questions or I have made a request, and the winner of the bid must do it truthfully, and if it really can’t be done, it’s okay, now, just drink this pot of wine.”     As his voice fell, everyone was excited and some were black. Damn, if you can't do it, you have to drink a whole pot of wine. He thinks they are wine jars, and what is the truth or dare? Why do they think this is a pit of gods? It's not their delusion, is it?   

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