Chapter 77 Adventure in the Demon Mountains (5)

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    The loud noise then exploded.


    The whirlpool that had stopped spinning started to spin again, causing their feet to vibrate violently. Its power was comparable to an earthquake of magnitude 7 or higher.

    "Damn, damn fat man, don't hurry up..."

    Seeing that the vortex began to spread unrestrictedly, Xie Wuya wiped away the cold sweat, but when she turned around, she found that Si Yunan was staring stupidly with a big mouth, and with a rough roar, pulled him Just fire the cannon, damn it, I don't know what the hell is in the barrier, since such a big battle is too pitiful, if there are no treasures, he must destroy the death swamp.

    "Ouch..." On the other side, the trapped Demon Flood Dragon seemed to feel that the barrier was opened, and the huge body actually swelled again under the shock of everyone's sight, breaking through the storm of energy that surrounded him. Ignoring Xi Changfeng and the others, the huge body quickly rushed towards the barrier, and along the way, the terrifying neigh broke through the sky without interruption.

    "Don't try to run!"

    Seeing this, Xi Changfeng and the others didn't dare to hesitate, they rushed up with their weapons, and the dense array of bows and arrows and energy kept chasing behind him.

    "Damn it, Dark Lord, come on!"

    And Xie Wuya, who was running back, was so immortal, just in time for a head-to-head confrontation with the devil Jiao, and when he stopped quickly, the attack started immediately, and the long sword in his hand was incoherent. Waving wildly, the guards shook the body of the Black Demon King beside him, and the sharp claws greeted the body of the Demon Jiao.


    Strangely enough, after so many attacks, the demonic flood dragon didn't have any intention of fighting back, and rushed straight to the barrier with all his heart.

    "Master, stop first, he seems to be saying something."

    The little red dragon who was lying on Xie Wuya's shoulder shouted loudly, Xie Wuya frowned almost imperceptibly, and after flying to meet Xi Changfeng and others, Invariably stopped the attack.

    "Hey, what are you talking about?"

    The first half of the little red dragon's body suddenly gave birth to a pair of small wings. Seeing everyone stopped, the dearest master yelled at him again, and hurriedly flapped the wings to fly to the front of the magic dragon, looking at his eyes.

    "Ow... woo..."

    Maybe it recognized the little red dragon. The devil roared happily twice, then raised his head in the direction of the enchantment, turned around and ran towards the enchantment.

    "Master, he said that he is not a wild beast, but a summoned beast of someone else. More than ten years ago, his master asked him to guard something very important here. Let's follow it."

    Xiao Honglong turned to the evil spirits . Wu Ya said, a few people looked at each other and followed without hesitation. At this time, Xi Changfeng and the others felt the sadness in their hearts. Damn, I knew that Xiao Honglong could communicate with the devil Jiao, and they still worked so hard. Fuck you? Nearly died at the hands of that monster.

    "This is... how is that possible? It wasn't like this when I ran away just now!" When we arrived at the enchantment, the vibration had stopped, but the situation in front of us made everyone's eyes widen in astonishment. See, the previous water miraculously disappeared, and a staircase made of bluestone slabs appeared in the middle of it. The staircase continued all the way to the depths, and their naked eyes could not see it.

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