Chapter 161 Crazy Sees Crazy Again

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    "The lesson behind the scenes is very good. I am indeed confused, but Queen, you are too arrogant. This time I will not care about it, kneel down.

    " But it is awesome, even now there are many ministers of civil and military allegiance to her, and she still holds the 100,000 Northeast Army that was handed over to her before the death of the emperor. The face of the attack, she can only swallow this breath, and she also makes sense, if he abolishes the queen now, it will undoubtedly make things worse, ministers of civil and military affairs, the people of the world will definitely be dissatisfied, and then his throne will be really unstable. .

    "If the emperor insists on killing the evil prince, the concubine should ask your majesty to grant him death."

    Unexpectedly, the queen seemed to be on the fence with him, and did not buy his account at all, and her eyes were empty and empty. The spirit of the past.


    "My concubine is a woman, I don't know anything about the government, and I don't want to understand it, but the evil minister is the humerus minister of my Ziling Dynasty. He has made extraordinary achievements in the country and the people. Your majesty is only because of the evil pearl. If I kill him and destroy his three clans, what will the people think of the royal family in the future? What will the other two empires say about my Ziling country? The concubine thinks that they are not that big enough to bear these accusations, if the emperor really wants to kill Xie Xiang, before that, the emperor please kill the concubine first."

    Feng Huang was furious, but was snatched by the queen, his well-maintained face was full of Chi Guoguo's righteousness, and Feng Huang was stunned for a moment. Stunned, when did his queen care so much about national affairs? Is she begging death for him? For his country? No other selfishness?     Feng Xiaoran and the queen are husband and wife, and they will inevitably be blinded by their feelings, but the queen mother will not. With her shrewdness, how could she not see that the queen's fundamental purpose is only to save people, and she quickly swiped through her eyes to see that she had already chosen. Standing on the good side, sigh...     At the same time, the Queen Mother felt all kinds of helplessness. Her son, who was a shrewd master when he was young, how could he be so stupid now? They have all left their relatives and still go their own way. If they continue like this, I am afraid that they will die very ugly, right?

    As a mother, she should mention him at this time, but she can't, because it has already been chosen. Before Shi Fenghuang's mother, she was still the queen mother of this country, shouldering the heavy responsibility of guarding the country. Fenghuang His tyranny and narrow-mindedness are obviously no longer suitable to be an emperor.

    On one side, the emperor and the queen were deadlocked. On the other side, Feng Xing Tianxie Wuya and the others had just returned to the palace, and Si Yunan brought a group of people to the door. Everyone was carrying a heavy burden, and each burden was covered with a cover. Black cloth, mysterious, a group of people are full of doubts, what did Xie Wuya ask him to find? 

      "Haha... As expected of the Si family, it's very fast. Come on, bring me all the things to Qingsong Pavilion. Remember, don't peek. If anyone does, I will goug out their eyes."     Xie Wuya greeted him with a smile, raised his hand to summon the servants on the side, and did not forget to warn them fiercely, not because he didn't trust them, but because this matter was too important, except for them, he didn't want anyone else to know about it.


    The housekeeper agreed tremblingly, and took the burden with the servants. Damn, it's been a few months since I haven't seen her, and the princess is getting more and more vicious.     "You guys go back too, let the big shopkeeper tell your father, and be ready to respond at any time."     Seeing this, Si Yunan waved his hand feigning seriousness, and the servants bowed respectfully towards him and turned to leave the palace.     "Wuya, what are those things? Is it so mysterious?"   

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