Chapter 154 Confrontation in the courtroom

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    For the past two days, the atmosphere in the courtroom was so subtle. Fenghuang always had a cold face at any time and place. Hundreds of civil and military ministers bowed their heads. No one dared to speak casually. Back to the queue, the feeling of suffocation has been deeply caged in them.

    Today is no exception. Zaochao fell into an unprecedented silence from the very beginning. The reason is very simple. The evil deceased who had not been to court for two days because of his illness, went to court. He was accompanied by the eldest princess' son, the county king Wei Chi Haoran, and The expressionless prince Feng Xingyu, who is not a fox who is present? Looking at this battle, I know that the recent scandals are likely to come to an end today, so let alone people who have nothing to do, even the ministers who have something to report are secretly suppressed, and they dare not at this critical time. Speaking out, if they annoy anyone, their good days will probably come to an end.

    "Is Xie Xiang's body much better?"

    I don't know how long it took, Feng Huang always broke the silence, but there was no sign of concern on Long Yan, and even his tone was obviously mocking, looking at Xie Ao From the looks of the sky, he knew that he was not sick at all, and he just didn't want to make the scandal worse.

    "Thank you for your relationship, Your Majesty, I'm fine!"

    Bending towards him, Xie Aotian replied calmly, as if he didn't hear his ridicule, his expression was always so indifferent and unsullied.

    "Well, Xie Xiang is the minister of the humerus of my Ziling country, but you must take care of your health."

    Hearing this, Feng Huang said slyly, and glanced at his nephew, who can be said to have never been to the court, today is What wind blows him too? Is the latest secret report true? Is he here to support Xie Aotian?

    "How come Haoran is free to come to the court today? Tianyu Academy doesn't have to take classes?"

    "Go back to your majesty, the trial of Tianyu Academy just ended, the master gave me a few days off, and my mother saw that I was bored, so she asked me to come to the court to study. Study so that you can assist Your Majesty in the future."

    Hearing that he was named, Yuchi Haoran replied with ease.

    "Haha... As expected of my nephew, Haoran, in the future, the crown prince will need a lot of help from your younger generation."

    Fenghuang laughed out loud, he seemed kind, but the person with the wicked eyes could still see it. Those eyes that were always full of doubts and calculations didn't even smile at all.

    "This is the responsibility of the minister. Please rest assured, Your Majesty, Haoran will definitely assist his cousin."

    Yuchi Haoran agreed very quickly, but he was talking about his cousin, not the prince. Who this cousin is is up for debate.

    "Okay, okay, okay, Zi Lingguo has a descendant like you, and I can rest assured."

    As if he didn't understand the secret words he was hiding in his words, Fenghuang gave the eunuch next to him a look, the eunuch understood, and went up Taking a step forward, he said sharply: "If you have something to play, if you have nothing to do, retreat!" The

    voice fell, not only did the ministers not stand up to play the book, but all shrank their bodies, looking like they could not wait to find a hole to burrow into. The emperor's face instantly turned as black as the bottom of a pot. A group of trash, aren't they usually more eloquent than each other? How is it now? Scared? What's the use of him raising them?     It must be said that Feng Xiaoran is really a little too selfish? Is it because the minister of civil and military affairs is like this because of his cunning conspiracy? Also, the salaries paid to the ministers are all taxes, and even his own expenses are given by the people. What does he mean by supporting them? It's a fucking joke that he can feed so many people by himself.     "I have this book to play." After a     while, Xie Aotian, who had guessed that no one would play the book, walked out of the queue leisurely, with a humble expression, no fear or guilt, and calm enough to make people seem like The scandal has nothing to do with his wicked family.     "Coming."     His eyes darkened, Feng Huang straightened the cuffs of his dragon robe, but he wanted to see what other plans Xie Aotian had.

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