Chapter 106 Immortal Talisman Skills

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    "Master, the other party is a powerful swordsman, and she seems to have used some kind of secret technique. Why don't you help Master Ting?"

    Hongfeng lay on Xie Wuya's shoulders, and these days she followed the Dark Lord, the fog demon, and the demon bell. Stupid, he also understands a lot of things.

    "Haha... Let Lan Ting play first." With

    a confident smile, Xie Wuya still has no intention of making a move. He believes that Lan Ting is not such a fragile woman. Compared with the magic bell, that woman seems insignificant, making Lan Ting more There is nothing wrong with accumulating some practical experience.

    "There are two times, I will come to meet you seriously." The

    blast dispersed, and the two of them did not distinguish between Xuanlin. The woman pressed her fingers rudely, and suddenly pulled out a big black sword, you can tell just by looking at the body of the sword. The sword must be very heavy, let alone hold it in your hand, but the woman is like a child holding a wooden sword, holding the sword flower with ease, and the pure energy is pointed by the sword light, in the air One after another beautiful sword qi winds and waves were drawn in the middle, which seemed to be chaotic, but condensed into a complicated formation little by little.

    "Huh? Do you think the old lady is afraid of you like this?"

    Seeing what she wanted to do, the beautiful Liu Yemei raised her eyebrows proudly, the Qingfeng Long Sword was raised to the level of her eyes, and the strong energy poured into the sword body continuously. Within ten meters around the person, except for the weak and pale man and Xie Wuya, basically no one can see it. After fully understanding the strength of the two, most of the students retreated far away, while carefully observing their game, While mentally assessing the strength gap between themselves and them.

    "Howling fire!"

    Suddenly, the formation in front of the woman took shape, the tip of the sword stabbed forward, and the strange formation leaped out, instantly turning into a huge firebird burning with raging flames, flapping its huge wings. He flew towards Lan Ting, as if he wanted to swallow her in one bite.

    "Break the universe!"

    At the same time, Lan Ting was also ready, the hand holding the sword hilt shook, the cherry lips lightly opened, and the strong energy burst out suddenly, and the moment she broke away from the sword, it instantly turned into a A gleaming white and transparent giant dragon met the firebird sharply and resolutely.


    "Bump..." The

    two beasts that were purely formed by the condensation of energy met in mid-air. Between the strong collision, countless aftermaths of energy were scattered everywhere, but the battle did not end because of this. The dragon then chased after him as if he had his own consciousness. One red and one white energy collided fiercely in the sky, and they refused to give in to each other. The excited people couldn't even open their eyes, but no one wanted to miss it. Such a wonderful scene, almost everyone resisted the stinging pain in their eyes, stared at the battle in the sky for a moment, silently waiting for the result to be announced.

    "Master, when did Master Ting learn to attack with the immortal talisman in the form of gas?" The

    so-called immortal talisman attack skill is to store one's own skills in the form of a talisman, so that it can be transformed into any form to fight. This skill is generally For personal PK, it can often increase its combat power by two to three times, which is a relatively advanced skill.

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