Chapter 193 Refusal to refine the weapon, tease the deep meaning behind it

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    "This...Wuya doesn't know something. Although Hong Zhong is a diner at my eldest princess's house, he doesn't need to obey my orders, he can come and go freely, and I don't dare to help him agree."

    He looked at him in embarrassment. , the eldest princess turned her gaze to Hong Zhong, and said, "Hong Zhong, what do you think?"

    Hearing this, everyone's eyes immediately focused on Hong Zhong who had always bowed his head and remained silent, and saw him for a long time Only then did she slowly raise her head, looking at Xie Wuya's eyes with such disdain, her vermilion lips moved slightly.


    With a simple word, Xie Wuya's request was resolutely rejected, and everyone's complexions instantly became very ugly. No matter what Xie Wuya said, she was also the Zhengfei of Zhan Wang, who was about to become a queen, and Hong Zhong was too unreasonable. Don't give him face.

    "Hehe... Mr. Hong, don't refuse so quickly. How can you agree to help Wuya inlay the thunder sword and help my brothers forge weapons?"

    It is rare that Xie Wuya, who should be the most angry, is not angry at all. , but looked at him with a smile on his face, the eldest princess couldn't help but admire his mind, Xi Changfeng and others who knew him opened their mouths wide in surprise, this Xie Wuya couldn't be a fake one, right? Is he such a tolerant man?

    "I don't refine weapons for people I don't like. Princess Zhan, please go back."

    Feng Mou deliberately met his smiling eyes, so that he could see clearly the disgust and disgust in his eyes, Hong Zhong said coldly, once again He bluntly rejected his request.


    Kong Shaoyang stood up fiercely, pointing his finger at Hong Zhong, what kind of thing is he, how dare he talk to Wu Ya like this.

    "Shaoyang, step back." The

    warning letter glanced at him, Xie Wuya scolded sharply, Kong Shaoyang looked at him unhappily, and finally sat back obediently under his stare, seeing this, Xie Wuya spilled out of his body His domineering aura instantly subsided, and he walked towards Hong Zhong with the corners of his lips raised.

    Everyone looked at him for no reason, but they didn't have any intention of stepping forward to stop them. They also wanted to see how Xie Wuya would break through this difficulty, especially Feng Xiaorou who met him for the first time, and Hong Zhong's stubbornness was stronger than anyone else. Clearly, she spent a lot of time to invite him to the house, what countermeasures will Xie Wuya take? Blindly tolerate and please... "I apologize for my recklessness at the beginning, but I will not take back my praise. It is human nature to appreciate beautiful things, and I love beautiful things more than ordinary people. Hong Zhong, I I know that you rejected me because I offended you. If I guessed right, the disgust in your eyes should not only be aimed at me? I am curious, why do you not cherish the beauty that God bestowed on you, but instead What about all kinds of disgust? Could it be that..."     When he was about a step away from him, Wu Ya stopped, bent down to meet his gaze, stopped on purpose in the middle of speaking, and caught the flash of embarrassment and embarrassment in his eyes. After the embarrassment, Xie Wuya stepped forward again, and while he was in a daze, gently touched his beautiful cheek with his right hand. This time, his touch did not mean any profanity, but only a touch of distress. This man, he Have you been deeply hurt because of his beauty?     "There is a place where there are no so-called emperors, no feudal thinking that men are superior to women, everyone is equal, women can hold up half the sky, there is a group of people, they are called stars, no matter men or women, they are all unbelievably beautiful, But they are not satisfied, they don't hesitate to spend a lot of money to make themselves more beautiful, some even use knives on their faces, even if they become another person, they also want to become more beautiful and charming, among them men There are not a few of them, Hong Zhong, after hearing this short story, will you still dislike your innate beauty?"     Xie Wuya was talking about the entertainment circle of the 21st century. A beauty is as hard to find as a virgin, and he also knew that Hong Zhong couldn't change his attitude just because of his few words, and what he said so nakedly, might completely anger him and make him even more unwilling to help him refine weapons, but from seeing From the moment of the pain in his eyes, he has always had a kind of distress, a strong urge to help him, he just followed the thoughts in his heart and turned this urge into reality.

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