Chapter 194

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    Crown Prince Feng passed away at the same time, leaving behind countless problems. Just coping with the tit-for-tat confrontation between the various factions in the DPRK made Feng Xingtian very dizzy. Fortunately, he invited Xie Aotian back. With his assistance, It finally came to an end before dark, and dragging his tired body back to the palace, but he didn't see Xie Wuya's figure as expected, frowning almost imperceptibly, just about to recruit Feiyang to ask about the situation, when the back of the bedroom There was a slight noise coming from the bathtub in his room. If he hadn't cultivated his hearing so well, he might not have noticed it, but... at this time, who would take a bath in the bathtub attached to his room? Endless? Who is he arguing with?

    Maintaining a puzzled attitude, Feng Xingtian swept away his previous fatigue, turned his heels, and walked directly to the bathroom. Nuoda's bathroom was filled with smoke, and Xie Wuya squinted his eyes slightly lying on the edge of the bathtub in the middle, while his In front, Hong Feng was holding a chicken leg and tearing it with relish, her sexy thin lips were slightly curved, a hint of sarcasm quickly slipped across her eyes, and at the same time as she secretly laughed at herself for being paranoid, Feng Xingtian also completely relaxed, her slender body leaned against the wall superior.

    It's not the first time he saw Xie Wuya taking a bath. Since they got married, the two of them often took a mandarin duck bath together. There were countless traces of passion left in this bath that only belonged to them, but this was the first time for him. Looking at him from a distance, the wet bangs stuck to his forehead, the water droplets slowly slid along the temples, slid over the beautiful sword eyebrows, soft cheeks, a little flowed into his cherry red moist lips, a small part But it avoided the lips, flowed all the way across his slender chin, sexy and slender neck, and finally disappeared into his chest lying on the edge of the bathtub.


    His body became hot in an instant, and he swallowed with difficulty. In the depths of his coquettish eyes, the flames of lust burned rapidly, and he walked towards him uncontrollably.

    "Huh? Xing Tian..."

    Realizing his arrival belatedly, Xie Wuya raised his head, and just about to greet him, his lips were sucked into his mouth by Feng Xingtian who suddenly bent down and lifted his chin, and was stunned It was just one second, and the next moment, Xie Wuya, who never knew what restraint was, took the initiative to wrap his naked and wet arms around his neck, and took the initiative to add fuel to his sudden enthusiasm.


    During this period of time, they have been busy dealing with Fenghuang, and they haven't been alone for a long time, let alone being intimate. The two of them quickly burned like dry wood meeting a raging fire. With the sound of splashing water, the temperature in the bathroom Slowly rising, the breath of lust gradually rippling, and Hong Feng, who was forgotten by them, saw such a lively and fragrant scene for the first time. Know.


    After burning with passion for a long time, accompanied by Xie Wuya's high and hoarse screams, Feng Xingtian was finally satisfied, pushed his body away with a rough kick, hugged him and leaned against the edge of the bath, holding his right hand Unconsciously stroking his round and soft shoulders, gently closing his eyes, reminiscing about the fiery entanglement just now over and over again in his mind.

    This is the first time that Feng Xingtian is so active and enthusiastic. Xie Wuya almost thought that he was going to die in the whirlwind of lust he created. The wildness of the unity of body and mind gave him satisfaction that he had never had before, and finally ended the entanglement. , with a contented smile on the corner of his mouth, he leaned on his chest softly and breathed smoothly.

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